Reasonable Doubt: Season 2 Episode 7 – Review & Recap

Shanelle’s trial has Toni come to the stand as Jax handles how Toni has blown up her marriage.

Storyline Recap

Couple’s Therapy Isn’t Easy – Dr. Webb, Lewis, Jax

Between the reveal that Lewis had sex with Toni, and later the confirmation that he is the father of her child, this sends Jax and Lewis’ marriage into dangerous territory. The idea of cheating or separation come about, but thanks to Dr. Webb, or maybe Jax not wanting to engage in tit for tat childishness, she holds off.

And The Case Continues – Corey, Jax, Toni

Another day, another fight for Shanelle’s freedom, and because of how things would look, Corey tasks Jax with cross-examining Toni and as you can imagine, things get a bit nasty. Now, to much surprise, Toni doesn’t blow up Jax’s spot and reveal she slept with her husband. However, you can see that, in front of the world, Toni has now not only been painted as a home wrecker but a liar and terrible friend. All because a man couldn’t keep it in his pants.

The Past Haunts You – Lucy, Peter

As Lucy spends day after day losing her credibility as a lawyer, Peter, fresh from prison, tries to speak to her, see his kid, and she avoids him or calls security on him. So, with no other choice, she gets served and seemingly, if Peter can’t speak to her informally, he will get his day in court.

I Got Options, But I Wanna Be Chosen By You – Corey, Jax, Lewis

With growing so close on the case, and Corey already having fantasies, it is almost like he smells blood in the water and so he makes a move on Jax. At first, she participated, allowed herself to be touched and then kissed. However, again, while she knows how to push Lewis’ buttons, get her lick back, and boost her ego, she doesn’t want to do all that.

Her affair with Damon and all that happened in season one didn’t make her personal life any better, more fulfilling or happy. It seems couples’ therapy showed her that while her and Lewis got a lot going on, it is better for them to work on that then go their separate ways. But, unfortunately for Lewis and Jax, it isn’t just them learning how to communicate better that is the problem but also understanding each other’s love language.

But while Lewis may hate the idea he has to always take the initiative, he does once again to save his marriage and gives the speech of a lifetime that may not heal all wounds, but at least it may stop the bleeding.

Other Noteworthy Information

  • Krystal is studying for the LSAT

Collected Quote(s)

  • Dr Webb: Focus less on feelings and more on intention.



The On The Nose Music Selection

“Reasonable Doubt” continues to be the show with one of the best playlist out there. From Jorja Smith’s “The One” to Luther Vandross’ “A House Is Not A Home,” while the songs are all very on the nose for the scenario, you can’t deny the selection is excellent.

Lewis’ End Episode Speech

Making a relationship on screen believable can be quite the challenge for a lot of actors. A lot of the time it is just two attractive people talking and there is no chemistry or reason to invest. That isn’t the case here with “Reasonable Doubt.” That impassioned speech from Lewis to Jax was a plead and while it may not have led me to swoon, it definitely made it seem Lewis is here for more than to give Jax some kind of personal life.

How Therapy Is Being Exhibited

For a lot of shows, therapy can feel like a gimmick, a means for exposition, but the actual act of trying to become a better person or understand oneself, or another, is glazed over. Never mind, the conflict between who you are and what the therapist points out is often for the sake of conflict. I would submit between Dr. Webb and the other doctor, what we see for Jax and Lewis feels akin to the work therapy calls for in a way that allows there to still be some sense of entertainment, without using the practice strictly for just that.

On The Fence

The Flashbacks Were Kind Of Eh

While I appreciate the timeline for when Jax and Lewis met, when she became partner, and around the time she had kids, beyond that, I didn’t get much out of these flashbacks. To me, they felt too short for what they were trying to convey emotionally and while Lewis’ end episode speech was wonderful, I wouldn’t say the flashbacks built up to them or aided it. If anything, they felt like scenes filmed that were cut previously and added to this episode to help hit Hulu’s episode order.


I think it might be time to give up on Lucy. As a lawyer, she is floundering and Peter’s introduction has also fallen flat. Now, could it be they subvert the usual appearance of an abuser by making him love bomb her and other methods? Yes. However, at this point, she seems like a one season character so I don’t expect them to do much with her beyond embarrass her in the court room.

The Gist

The TLDR Recap/ Review

  1. As Shanelle’s trial chugs along, Lucy finds herself coming face to face with Peter, who appears to be her husband and father of her child.
  2. This distraction could explain her abysmal performance which is allowing Corey and Jax to eclipse her in the courtroom.
  3. But, while Jax’s professional career is flourishing her personal life is in turmoil because Toni is having Lewis’ baby.
  4. However, the strength of therapy seems to be building a bridge from the pain Jax is going through, back to the love she has for Lewis.
  5. This was the episode where I found myself believing in Lewis and Jax as a couple thanks to a end episode speech he gave.
  6. That speech, paired with the therapy scenes with Dr. Webb really carried this episode in ways the legal drama is faltering a bit.
  7. For one, even with Jax cross-examining Toni, after all Lewis’ reveals, there just isn’t that pull there.
  8. Also, Lucy, whether in the courtroom or with meeting Peter, seemingly was all potential and so, what does the legal drama side have to give?
Episode TitleVenus vs. Mars
Release Date (Hulu)September 26, 2024
Director(s)Anton Cropper
Writer(s)Ryan Richmond

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