Ready To Love: Season 9/ Episode 8 “Ride or Die” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Nephew Tommy excited about the dates the ladies went on

It’s time for the ladies to have the men meet their best friends, and if you’ve been watching closely, the problems you’ve been peeping finally get realized by the cast.

General Information

This section Includes information about the Director, Writer, and Cast.

Release Date (OWN) August 25, 2023
Director(s) Unknown
Writer(s) N/A

Plot Recap

This content contains pertinent spoilers. Also, images and text in this post may contain affiliate links. If a purchase is made from those sites, we may earn money or products from the company.

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”oqErsUkN” upload-date=”2023-08-28T02:47:14.000Z” name=”Ready To Love Season 9 Episode 8 “Ride or Die” – Recap Review.mp4″ description=”It’s time for the ladies to have the men meet their best friends, and if you’ve been watching closely, the problems you’ve been peeping finally get realized by the cast.” player-type=”static”]

My Friends Loved You! – Quinton, Lee, Janelle, Jessica, Chris, Aries, Maurier, Sierra

Despite a poor showing in the last episode, Maurier makes a grand comeback. On both his dates with Sierra and Jessica, where he meets their friends, be it weak competition or him being the man, he hits it out of the park. Mind you, with Jessica, it is hard to say if she has fully moved past his spiritual practices or curiosity, but with Chris’ performance, Maurier shined.

Muffin, Lee's friend, noting how she was mesmerized by Quinton
“Muffin, Lee’s friend, noting how she was mesmerized by Quinton,” Ready To Love, “Ride or Die,” 2023, (OWN)

Switching to Quinton, he, too, with both Lee and Janelle, aced his exam. Note: Lee’s friend was perhaps more into Quinton than Lee was, so he didn’t get grilled hard, but with Janelle’s friend? He said all the right things, but again, with his competition not rising to the challenge, it was his opportunity to mess up.

Heading to the one-hit wonder, while Chris flailed with meeting Jessica’s friends, he did well with Aries’. Not in a way that helps you understand their chemistry, since often it seems she admires him more than feels some kind of affection for him. But considering his competition sometimes keeps it a little too real, was it a true win for Chris or his representative?

He Wasn’t That Bad, Was He? – Herbert, Janelle, Katarina, Sierra, Chris, Jessica, Phil, Aries

Chris questioning if someone is ready for this
“Chris questioning if someone is ready for this,” Ready To Love, “Ride or Die,” 2023, (OWN)

With his slow timeline and advocacy for fun, Herbert turns off Janelle’s friend, Sierra’s friends, and when he meets Katarina’s? He gets as defensive as most do when they know they are in the bottom two. This turns off everyone, and it seems to be the death blow for whatever feelings were lingering. But he isn’t alone in the struggle.

When it comes to Chris, he can’t get beyond Jessica’s looks when her friends ask about his interest, and as he repeats his usual spiel about what he needs her to do as a woman, it becomes clear this isn’t going to work for her. Now, with Phil, things are complicated. Aries still likes him and has an emotional connection with him. However, him struggling in the past, job-wise, made her friends worried about the kind of man he is. Which is understandable, but he is in a better place now, and being that she is divorced twice and perhaps has her own professional journey, she gets it and holds grace for him.

It’s The Lack Of Effort For Me – Herbert, Chris

To some surprise, Chris ends up in the bottom two with Herbert. Now, with Chris meeting with Aries, it seemed unlikely he was going to be kicked, especially considering Herbert and his lack of timeline, and being pro-fun has been an issue for nearly the entire season. Hence, he is let go, and Chris gets to stay for the seasonal getaway in the next episode.


Next Eliminated (Men)

We currently have four men left, which means only one more is subject to being eliminated, and it’s going to be between Chris and Phil. This means Aries will likely be the deciding factor in who stays or goes, and I think, as much as she hasn’t said anything negative about the type of leader and provider Chris wants to be, I just don’t see her ultimately choosing him.

Maurier noting he realized he messed up
“Maurier noting he realized he messed up,” Ready To Love, “Ride or Die,” 2023, (OWN)

However, I could be wrong. Maurier seemingly had a ticket out of here due to his religious practices, but he rebounded with Jessica, and while he has verbalized Sierra being more of a homie than someone he could see becoming something more, he did participate in the date to meet her friends. So, maybe Phil says or does something during the getaway episode that turns Aries off, and she switches things up?

Next Eliminated (Women)

With six women left, I believe Lee and Sierra will be in the bottom two. Lee has given barely anything since the beginning, and Quinton seems far more interested in Janelle, and then with Katarina, based on episode 9 previews, being after Quinton? Lee doesn’t stand a chance due to minimal personality.

As for Sierra? Let’s be real here: her strongest connection is Maurier, and he made it clear she got homie vibes and isn’t sure about her. So Sierra could live to see another episode, but it doesn’t seem likely she is going to leave “Ready To Love” with anything but memories.

Final Couples

I still can see Janelle and Quinton lasting until the reunion show hits, followed by Aries and Phil, and just for fun, I’m going to say Maurier could end up with someone, but it is really hard to say who.


On The Fence

So You Can See The Light Now?

Jessica should have known it was over with Chris before this episode, just as everyone should have realized that Herbert is more ready to date than love. But that is the point of having your friends grill people. In Lee’s case, I feel like Muffin would definitely date Quinton without a single care of Lee’s feelings, but besides her, the hard questions and questions some didn’t want to ask flowed.

Now, did this truly help any man, and not only for the ladies, but viewers make it seem any couple could last beyond the reunion show? I’m gonna say no. But the more situations everyone is put in, the more it seems there is admiration and physical attraction, but not the kind of chemistry that won’t burn out in time.

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Ready To Love: Season 9/ Episode 8 “Ride or Die” – Overview


At this point, it seems people are in it for the attention, free dates, and now a vacation because love and marriage are hard to believe will come of this. Never mind children to boot.

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