1. Sometimes I think BL isn’t necessarily trying to be a lead or star of a show. Considering she has l o n g paid her dues, I do wonder if maybe she wants to be a supporting character and not have the responsibility of the lead. But we’ll check out her IG when we get a chance.

    But yeah, with Darla, it’s like, sustainable growth doesn’t exist. Just when you think she hits a goal post, they send her back in some aspect of her life. Leaving you to question did she really make progress when she always is backtracking to fix something that wasn’t broken before?

  2. The writers really can’t let Darla win. Everything has to be a struggle, a setback. Although Darla’s anxiety during that scene was palpable. It seems like Darla can’t have a balance going on in her life at the same time. When she has good things going on with RA and Blue her professional job/career is in turmoil. When she is doing well professionally with her job, her relationship with RA and her being a mother towards Blue is being questioned. It sucks and I will always say that Darla’s setback even before Covid was because of Nova. Darla was doing so well before Nova’s dumbass released that book. It really was like a domino effect on her life and on her sobriety. I just want Darla to do well and be happy. I hope that we get to see her parents again at some point as well.

    Also you need to check out Bianca’s Instagram lol she is showing out. As much as we love QS I really hope that season 6 is the last season just because I hope/want for Bianca to have more time for herself so that she can do more things. Like I said I believe that Bianca should be so much bigger than what she is. I need her to be in a high budget movie lol

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