1. That’s why I said that maybe they’ve known each other for a while in passing. It is just, because of Nova’s issues with Ernest, it wasn’t until he died and Remy got involved with Charley they got to know each other. So maybe there was something there it is just, until now, there wasn’t much investment by either party.

  2. I’m just so in different with season right now. Like why are the writers putting Noca and Remy together!?!?!?!? Like just a few episodes ago Charley ass was in her paintoes amd bra abpit to goce ot to Remy, now after two seasons were supposed to bepieve that him and Nova can work. Like in last weeks review I broke down Nova’s dating history and how Charley and Remy couldn’t even go the distance so for the writers to try and make something happen with the two of them….

  3. Again, we thought we would see her house more of her parents and all that, we jumped the gun on all of those predictions lol. Who knows where there gonna take Darla and what we will see of her. Nothing is ever easy and simple on this show. So for us to just see what Darla is up to nowadays away from RA and Blue it would take time.

    Judging from the promo for next week…. If they have RA say what I think hes going to say….Amari I may just have to take a break from QS for a bit. Like for real.

  4. I think another thing which is a big issue is that Darla’s story-line still remains very much about RA. With time, I hope that the only thing really connecting her to RA is Blue, as seen in the promotion for this season, and that’s it. For Darla has so much going on in her past and probably her present, that her being relegated to Blue’s mom and RA’s ex seems like such a waste.

  5. To an extent, but all Hollywood basically said to Darla was you should have kept that secret to yourself bs. Like yeah Hollywood had his moments but… idk I guess I just expected more from Hollywood. That scene was so just ugh… lets move on.

    I get why you feel like Darla shouldn’t be with someone right now and I agree, but it really frustrates me that RA who has an equally troubled dark past of robbery, fraud and jail time, can run through as many women as he would like, start something with his coworker Thanh on the farm, yet Darla can’t even get out from under the B family’s judgments. I know that isn’t how it is written in full form. But it just seems like RA can move on and be with who he likes yet Darla can’t step to the left or the right without creating world war 3. Just my opinion.

  6. I think Darla is learning Vi and the rest are who they are. As long as her son is happy and safe, it’s fine.

    I’m still surprised at Hollywood though. He seemed to at least try to be friendly.

  7. Great review Amari. Aunt Vi and Hollywood ain’t shit!!! I am so done with them. The disrespect, the rudeness, the pettiness of it all. Boy Darla has grown and isn’t as fragile like she once was, but even still having those two ice her out, you could still see the hurt there on Darla’s face. Once again taking hit after hit and Darla dealing with it in silence. Gonna take her kid but not say a word to her. Excuse my language but fuck that! Like you said, gonna love the child but treat the mom like trash…so done with them.

    Yo, like I can’t. Like writers its season three… LET DARLA BE HAPPY. I’m tired of watching her having to take all of this abuse and disrespect to get back in with that family just for the sake of her child.

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