My Brilliant Friend: Season 4 Episode 4 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Lila has the rare episode where things revolve around her and while it makes you dread things refocusing on Elena, it reminds you who the brilliant friend is.

Storyline Recap

The New Boss In The Neighborhood – Lila, Elena

While Elena has heard from her mother and others about Lila’s position in the neighborhood, seeing it in action is a whole other thing. From people greeting her like she is a Don, parents introducing their kids asking if they could work for her, to seeing her influence on people in the neighborhood who formerly would be considered formidable? Elena isn’t shocked but certainly is curious about Lila’s business and how it led to her having such immense sway.

The Changes and Gossip – Lila, Elena, Alfonso, Rino

Getting into changes beyond Lila’s place in the neighborhood’s social hierarchy, we learn Rino is now and addict and Alfonso is not only a homosexual, but also Michele’s secret lover! Seemingly, Alfonso reminds Michele of Lila enough for him to have secret relations with him and Lila not only knows but plays into that by taking Alfonso with her shopping.

But, this joke is but a small means of getting back at Michele for with him and his family flooding the neighborhood with drugs, it isn’t just Rino that Lila has reason to see as a lost cause.

An Earthquake Sure Shakes Things Up – Lila, Elena, Nino, Enzo, Gennaro

During one of the longest periods Lila and Elena spend time together, there is an earthquake. The usually calm, cool, and collected Lila is shook, and enters a state that seems very weird. While the apartment doesn’t turn to dust and she doesn’t get notably injured, she enters this dark and vulnerable place. Seemingly one she has been running from for most of her life and she opens up to Elena in such a way that allows Elena to see the side of Lila that is still vulnerable, longing, and maybe even fearful.

This is all erased the following day and Lila even apologizes for acting in a way which was out of character. Yet, even with her defenses up, upon seeing Enzo and Gennaro, that more gentle person Elena saw the day before peeks out.

Sadly for Elena, while her daughters are safe and with their father, Nino pretty much abandoned her and his entire focus was the family he is married into. Which seemingly won’t be the final straw for Elena, but yet another reason to give her the side eye.

Other Noteworthy Information

  • Alfonso is now played by Renato De Simone
  • Rino is now played by Salvatore Striano
  • Enzo is now played by Pio Stellaccio
  • Gennaro is now played by Francesco Ferrante



Lila’s Vulnerability

Previously, when Lila has been vulnerable, it was in a moment when she was defeated, lost, unsure of her next move, but this time she was anything but that. Enzo’s status was unknown during the earthquake, and he was better than the men Lila previously attached herself to, and yet she still found herself in a state where she appeared crushed.

In season 1, it was pushed that maybe Lila had mental health issues and with the situation we saw, we’re reminded that the hills and valley from going from survival to thriving may have taken its toll. The only question is, what is required at this point of her life to have highs and lows or is she simply undiagnosed with bipolar?

How The Neighborhood, And Its Occupants, Changed

While we don’t spend a notable amount of time with any character we’ve met in the past three seasons, beyond Elena, Nino, and Lila, it is still interesting to watch how things has shifted for many. Whether it is Rino becoming an addict, but as jealous of his sister as ever; learning Michele is down low, as well as brought drugs into the neighborhood; or Alfonso’s transformation which, even with the small role they play, is a tad shocking.

All of it together feels like the same kind of reward you’d get for sticking with long running shows that treat you to updates about this character or that one.

On The Fence

To Know More Of Lila’s Life Makes Elena’s Boring

Since the beginning, Lila and Elena have more competed with each other than complimented each other and this episode is no different. Elena has had us focus on her relationship with Nino, and her willingness to sacrifice all other relationships, including with her daughters, for this man who is frankly boring. Add in we don’t see Elena do anything but study that man and his movement, be an observer than active participant in her life, and she gets dull – quick.

Lila, on the other hand, is an active participant in life. She goes up against men, sometimes gets knocked down, struggles, but this constant underdog story is what makes her notable. Add in, no one really wants or has handed Lila much, if anything, while respectability politics has gotten Elena into many a room and even pushed further.

Sometimes, it makes me think that, the duality of Lila and Elena gives perhaps the best and a rare depiction of two different strands that started from the same point. Often we see the Elena story, the person who made it out, but not the Lila story, of the person who stayed, made things work, and eventually came on top. By showing both, beyond the entertainment value, you get a sense of you can be brilliant no matter what path you take. It’s just some paths make things easier in the beginning and others on the back end.

With all that said though, I’m hoping Lila never gets benched again.

General Information

Episode Title

The Earthquake

Release Date

September 30, 2024


HBO/ Max


Laura Bispuri


Elena Ferrante, Francesco Piccolo, Laura Paulucci, Saverio Costanzo

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My Brilliant Friend: Season 4 Episode 4 - Review

Title: My Brilliant Friend: Season 4 Episode 4

Description: Lila has the rare episode where things revolve around her and while it makes you dread things refocusing on Elena, it reminds you who the brilliant friend is.

Date Released: September 30, 2024

Episode number: 4

Part of season: 4

Part of series: My Brilliant Friend

Author: Amari Allah

Production company: HBO

Director(s): Laura Bispuri

Genre: Drama, Non-English (Italian)


I’m left hoping so much we get more Lila episodes as this series wraps up. We deserve it.

  • To Know More Of Lila’s Life Makes Elena’s Boring - 74%
  • How The Neighborhood, And Its Occupants, Changed - 83%
  • Lila’s Vulnerability - 86%
User Review
0/100 (0 votes)


  • How The Neighborhood, And Its Occupants, Changed
  • Lila’s Vulnerability


  • To Know More Of Lila’s Life Makes Elena’s Boring

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