Collected Quotes: Orange Is The New Black

Best Of “Do you know what it means when there ain’t nobody out there punishing the evil doers? It means there ain’t nobody giving out prizes for the good ones, neither.” — “Fool Me Once.“ Orange is the New Black “You gotta hit rock bottom before you know which direction to go in.” — “WAC…

Best Of

“Do you know what it means when there ain’t nobody out there punishing the evil doers? It means there ain’t nobody giving out prizes for the good ones, neither.”
— “Fool Me Once.“ Orange is the New Black

“You gotta hit rock bottom before you know which direction to go in.”
— “WAC Pack.” Orange is the New Black

“Sometimes it’s not a matter of right and wrong, it’s about making a choice that will cause the least amount of pain to others.”
— “Thirsty Bird.” Orange is the New Black

Season 4

Sometimes, what it looks like is all anybody can see.
— “It Sounded Nicer In My Head.” Orange Is the New Black

I don’t need no evidence. My Life is my evidence.
— “It Sounded Nicer In My Head.” Orange Is the New Black

Season 3

“I don’t need to talk about how I need a drink, I need a reason not to drink.”

—  “Fear, and Other Smells.” Orange is the New Black

“I like reading more than I like living my actual life.”
—  “Empathy is a Boner Killer.” Orange is the New Black

“We’re not a family, we’re a Band-Aid, and once you rip it off, all we are to each other is scars.”
—  “Empathy is a Boner Killer.” Orange is the New Black

“A smile is like tight underwear, it lifts your cheeks.”

— “Bed Bugs and Beyond.” Orange is the New Black

Season 2

“There are no perfect couples, but each couple is perfect in its own way.”

— “You Also Have a Pizza.”

“Sometimes it’s not a matter of right and wrong, it’s about making a choice that will cause the least amount of pain to others.”
— “Thirsty Bird.”

“All problems are boring until they’re your own.”
— “Low Self Esteem City.”

Season 1

“Do you know what it means when there ain’t nobody out there punishing the evil doers? It means there ain’t nobody giving out prizes for the good ones, neither.”
— “Fool Me Once.“

“You gotta hit rock bottom before you know which direction to go in.”
— “WAC Pack.”

“Your body is just the ship, your soul is the passenger.”
— “The Chickening.”

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