Bad Monkey: Season 1 Episode 8 – Review & Recap

As Yancy pushes the limits of his badge as he plans to tempt Nick and Eve back to Florida, and coerce the FBI to act.

Storyline Recap

Lose A Good Thing In Pursuit Of Another – Jim, Rosa, Yancy, Pestov, Evan

After the shootout ends, things settle down thanks to Pestov, Madeline’s fiancé, revealing himself to be part of the Russian mob Evan hired. With that, Jim decides to talk to Yancy, particularly about Rosa.

His focus? That Rosa is a good woman, and he likes her, but he worries that in pursuit of one thing, likely putting Nick behind bars, he may lose Rosa in the process. Now, of course, Jim doesn’t provide specifics on how, but it’s easy to imagine since Rosa has quit her job and now has decided to be all in with bringing Eve and Nick to justice.

I’ll Give Them A Reason To Arrest Me! – Bonnie, Agent Russell, Yancy, Rosa, Evan, Sonny

As you can imagine, Evan has to pay for trying to have Yancy murdered. When Pestov was around, Yancy took one of the mobster’s guns and shot at Evan, who was watching everything but warned him so he wouldn’t get killed. However, Bonnie ends up being the one who potentially ends the beef.

How? After learning from Agent Russell that she went rogue when she arrested her, and no one wanted to convict Bonnie, they just wanted to move on; this snapped something in Bonnie. So, she decides to get a bunch of gas canisters and blow up the house, which has been such an eyesore and nuisance.

You could consider it a parting gift to Yancy, but if you were worried about Rosa, don’t. Bonnie seems to like her for Yancy. Now, as for Evan? He doesn’t like any of this, and with his insurance not covering arson, he tries to bribe Sonny, who doesn’t take kindly to that. So, Evan remains out of luck thanks to Yancy and now his associates.

One Way Or Another – Gracie, Asia, Eggs, Eve, Nick, Ya-ya

Gracie wants to leave Andros, and even if it means becoming a lonely woman in the process, she is willing to make that sacrifice. Lest we forget that to become the Dragon Queen, she had to stop speaking for a year, and according to Asia, she lost many friends and acquaintances during that time. So, sacrificing her friendship with Asia and relationship with Yaya, she prepared for it.

But, the idea wasn’t originally to work with Nick and Eve, have something with Eggs, and leave chaos behind. Gracie didn’t want Asia’s shop torn up but was warned about Eve and Nick. However, after stealing Nick’s $250,000 watch, it seems Gracie has what she needs to leave, with only Eggs getting to know she is gone.

Forgiveness or Vengeance – Caitlin, Nick, Eve, Rosa, Yancy, Neville, Clasper, Director Rhodes

With Caitlin being vengeful, she helps Rosa and Yancy set up Eve and Nick. Now, why is he involving her? When Yancy pushed Director Rhodes of the FBI to get Nick, their main issue was how much extradition costs. Bet. So, the idea is, Caitlin will introduce Rosa as this wealthy person looking to invest, Yancy is there for prep, and at first, the plan goes without a hitch. Eve and Nick take the bait and will come to Miami to collect the money Rosa promised them, and to boot, Yancy and Rosa meet Clasper, who is all too willing to share and make himself a potential witness for when or if this goes to trial.

However, as always, Yancy doesn’t quit while he is ahead and takes a picture of himself, Clasper, and Rosa. This picture is put up at the bar they shared a drink, when Rosa was practicing her character, and before the episode, Eve and Nick walk into that bar and have a chance to see the picture, which will not only blow Rosa’s cover, but could get Clasper into a load of trouble.

Collected Quote(s)

  • I saw her look at your worst qualities and she smiled. – Jim
  • Is this a dare to be great thing or a ruin your life scenario. — Yancy

New Character Descriptions

Alex Moffat As Evan

Alex Moffat As Evan

Evan is a real estate agent desperately trying to sell a yellow mini-mansion that is next door to Yancy, but he sabotages each showing Evan has.

Anthony Belevtsov As Pestov

Anthony Belevtsov As Pestov

Pestov is introduced as the owner of a small t-shirt shop, but we later learn he is someone with Russian ties, and not in terms of someone being in debt to Russians, but having power within the Russian mafia.

Lauren O’Quinn As Director Rhodes

Lauren O’Quinn As Director Rhodes

Director Rhodes is an FBI director in South Florida who is aware of Nick’s case and situation but doesn’t have the will or resources to take Nick down.



Rosa and Yancy’s Relationship

Rosa and Yancy’s relationship is going to be a season highlight. The reason for that is that it is a mutually beneficial relationship. Yancy gets a partner in crime, someone who, as Jim says, smiles even when seeing his worst qualities, and that isn’t something a man can find in a woman, or relationship in general, with ease. But it isn’t all about him. He pushes her to be more, get out of her comfort zone, and I’d submit, taking on this case, helps her gain a sense of purpose.

Taking note of Mel saying Rosa was always the golden child, I think Yancy has given Rosa the ability to explore who she is, what she wants, and to do so with a sense of freedom her upbringing didn’t allow. This kind of balance feels rare for heterosexual relationships in media, not just television, and that’s why it is a constant stand-out episode to episode.

Lonely But Ambitious – The Story of Gracie

Gracie’s story is quickly becoming the type you wish was a solo tale. Imagine if this was focused on an island girl with limited opportunities, so they take on a Yoruba Priestess role in which they feel they are scamming people out of money while they are in crisis. Never mind, they hate the work, want to see the world, but don’t have the means into a real con artist shows up?

There is just so much there, and “Bad Monkey” does tap into it, but I want to see that faucet turnt full blast to give us anything and everything this character could offer.

On The Fence

Neville and Bonnie Still Around

Please let this be the end of Bonnie. Her going out with a bang, a final gift to Yancy by destroying the house next door, is perfect. As for Neville? I feel like he has served his purpose and now lingers worst than Clasper in search of a friend. His storyline with what’s her name isn’t clicking. He isn’t a terrible informant for Yancy but – I don’t know why, but something about Neville just gets on my nerves and he hasn’t really done anything to justify that reaction.

But, maybe that’s the problem – he doesn’t do anything notable so comes the question of why he gets the type of screen time of someone we should care about?

The Gist

The TLDR Recap/ Review

  1. With Evan hiring Pestov to kill Yancy, not knowing Yancy and Pestov have a relationship, it becomes a blessing for Yancy that Bonnie blows up Evan’s house.
  2. Now, how did she end up back in Florida? Well, because Cody’s family dropped charges and every official involved wanted this case to go away.
  3. However, while that case goes away, Yancy won’t let go the case against Nick and Eve, even if his father and the FBI push him to let it go.
  4. So, with Rosa, he aims to trick Eve and Nick back into the United States, with Caitlin’s help.
  5. As all that happens, Gracie has some final days of fun with Egg, makes sure her Ya-Ya knows she misses her, and with stealing Nick’s $250,000 watch, she is ready to leave the island.
  6. I truly love Vince Vaughn and Natalie Martinez’s chemistry. As Yancy and Rosa, they are a dynamic duo that leads me to hope this could at least be a two season series.
  7. Them aside, I have to admit, I was saddened to see Neville and Bonnie again, but at least Bonnie blew up Evan’s house.
  8. Now the only question is, with 2 episodes left, will Yancy and Rosa take down Eve and Nick, or will Jim’s warning become foreshadowing for Yancy, and maybe Rosa’s, downfall?

General Information

Episode Title

The Russian Mob Is Very Active In Key West

Release Date

September 24, 2024


Apple TV Plus


Colin Bucksey


Michael C. Martin

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