Bertha's picture as drawn by Walter.


  1. Sadly no, this part is not in any of the books it was made up for the series. I won’t spoil it for you but Gilbert is not a huge character till much later in the books. Gilbert remains more of a friend/rival for much longer in the series just FYI.

  2. Does anyone know how is this chapter called in the book? Or..even better which chapter of the books is it? I cant find it…know that i am aware the serie is cancel i would like to continue it by reading the book 🙁

  3. Agreed about the unrealistic Ka’kwet ending. Also, why was Diana finally allowed to go to Queens? We got no explaination, hint whatsoever. I mean, her parents sounded pretty clear about it.

    1. It was canceled by the CBC and Netflix. Though I’d say more so the CBC due to previous comments made by one of their executives.

  4. I absolutely loved the season finale. They finally got Anne out of her schoolgirl cloths, which let her became a young adult. And she’s finally admit her feelings for Gilbert. And with that last part where he got in that buggy and was about to ride off to catch the train to go to university, I was like, come on you daft idiot, kiss your girl goodbye. I love the Anne book series and this is quite different from the books but no less exciting. Can’t wait for season four..

  5. The missing storyline for Ka’kwet was very jarring. It is as if Anne and Matthew completely forgot about her and their commitment to return after 2 weeks.

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