1. “Then, in the final episode, we’ll get an anti-climactic conclusion to one of the dullest action anime you may have ever seen.” – Solid agreement on that. And I’m glad I’m not the only one wondering how a dead rabbit controls his own corpse because that just kind of made my head implode as I considered how that could even work, particularly after the head got sliced in half.
    I remember after my post on episode 1 I was told in the comments I was being too judgemental and harsh on this show and yet as the weeks have dragged on I’ve noticed less and less people trying to defend this. It really hasn’t amounted to much for all the hype prior to it starting.

    1. It’s terribly hard to defend. At this point, they killed off all the interesting characters and left us with the two he seem the most indifferent.

      Now, I try to be optimistic, be on the fence about things, but this show’s repetitious pattern! Introduction, get to know, kill them off. And I can see if they mixed it up with a boring character then interesting, but all the good ones were the first to go.

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