1. How have you never seen Seinfeld? And why are you recapping a comedy show, never having seen one of the greatest comedy shows of all time?!?! That would be like a vegetarian critiquing a steakhouse.

    1. … Because Seinfeld just didn’t seem that funny to me. I was more of a In Living Single, Girlfriends, Def Comedy Jam type of person. Even when I didn’t have cable it just was something I’d see, and then change the channel. Not to say it is a bad show but just not something which interested me.

      1. It was a rhetorical question to illustrate that a lack of familiarity with arguably the funniest portion of the season so far deflates the credibility of your review.

        Kroll/Mulaney have an uncanny ability to point out the hilarity of tv shows, particularly “reality shows” as per most skits on Kroll Show. These Seinfeld cut scenes are genuinely brilliant. Not having that background when reviewing this episode makes it impossible for you to understand the level of hillarity, nevermind relay it to anyone.

        That said your review was decent overall. The reason I responded is to try to convey to you how mechanical it is being that the best part of the episode, and incidentally the glue that tied it together and gave it the perfect ending, was completely over your head. Very few episodes (of any tv show) can do what Kroll did in this one and you totally missed it!

  2. Pretty well-written review. I will say that the funniest part of that episode, by far that is, is the Seinfeld mimicking scenes. If you’ve never seen Seinfeld, then you won’t get it, but you should definitely watch Seinfeld. It’s timeless. It’s not as good as it was in the 90s when it was new and fresh, but it’s a great show nonetheless. It was the best comedy of the 90s. And the way they portrayed the characters, their voices, and what they act like and talk like was nearly flawless. It was hilarious. The rest of the episode was funny, but that was the best part of the show I’ve seen in any episode.

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