Being that Bowie has 16 years of spending time with Andi to catch up on, he gets a little overzealous. But he is, afterall, trying to be part of a family he didn’t know he had. Too Girly?: Buffy, Cyrus, Jonah After another game in which Cyrus is making sure everyone is hydrated and what…

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Being that Bowie has 16 years of spending time with Andi to catch up on, he gets a little overzealous. But he is, afterall, trying to be part of a family he didn’t know he had.

Too Girly?: Buffy, Cyrus, Jonah

After another game in which Cyrus is making sure everyone is hydrated and what not, he gets a text. It’s from Jonah and it says “UR Girly.” With this, he has a fit about being called girly. [note] Also, he brings up that it isn’t like Buffy is being called that. Which leads to a short moment of having an issue about perhaps not being seen as girly.[/note] Thus leading to Buffy training Cyrus how to be more like a boy. Of which, her training includes sports history, how to greet people, and even how to dress. Yet, low and behold, what Jonah wrote, and Cyrus never tried to clarify, was an auto-correct mistake. He meant “UR Gnarly.”


YYDu y l x0EigKsDJ8gMXbXfGNM8JVTnCbsUCAT T9mpTsYvCu4fQLm wNRRCoCgRP8vyXgwLsn4UOhqqnGPvbhlByhu7hn nB4Ab12S2HTqBA8 a7wm C 5YOFpIBap3woUHGJh9B2oPwqd0Je 9X5axFp3RlufY7KB2XRY Ot7FfuRtnTbmq7dpvktgYgjMsUiuiB0M7HLQLJiRGtj8hhCClHX6XfLkaIJFY7F94NEGibSkuSq7vtrzMlP3fclSiNzvHpttPurB l PSzmEeYk K90tTEf16bnMdIgPc5J4JZO17hUUBz1frduM iuOMhMoyBp0bJIyMr PuQwhpAhQIMqZtK7l3vOYE4 0t2Vq7MsrHtPU1n FuPq0rParTOUTvfKX6 UzO hFAWsMCjXAC1Etnr6pKO7myhpH2uGiDnlX4RgZrGjasznFo9LSzXGzhUPDsKpBTEQh3E6pga1CqIxfZgI15ORJAENsAK4ChCJOKsLdnQc8wcNDcoQngmtacqTHtcfuJkuxeCkgABgKjqbwZAMICzurOEGf0V5Mq9APEkp8TvkmsbeRlT4ADmFoiFkGIHor9qjjEY3kH6nEtw8ePgPjScbMu5ZG40yuZJ7A=w430 h242 no

Sort of like in “It’s Not About You,” we find ourselves touching on a subject, but Disney not letting it go too deep. In this case, it is a watered down version of what it means to be a boy or masculine, and what it means to be girly. Now, is Cyrus flamboyant? Absolutely. Yet he is no less a boy. However, in the 15 to 16-year-old minds of Cyrus and Buffy, he isn’t a standard boy.

When it comes to Cyrus, he isn’t into sports, doesn’t walk a certain way, talk a certain way, and with one single sentence, you realize how insecurities form. Ones which lead people to perform a certain way in order to obtain some sense of normalcy. The type which can lead to positive changes or else can cause anxiety, depression, and perhaps even suicide. But, again, this is Disney, so it doesn’t go that deep. In fact, I’m probably over thinking this.

But before we move on, let’s not let Cyrus get away with the fact he found being called girly an insult. Something I’m kind of surprised Buffy didn’t call him out on. For considering his only friends are girls, he seems close to his mom, to the point of gossiping with her, and probably what makes him such a good friend are the qualities associated with women and girls, it was strange to watch him act like that. Much less, considering the way Jonah is, not try to clarify what he meant. However, as is becoming clear, there isn’t much of a clear path for Cyrus or Buffy so ridiculous storylines have to become their thing.

The Friendly Labrador: Bowie, Celia, Bex

EZV7hesBLpzPz2CE3Q6R4jv h96EasJM9HHuiR108IXxyp xIlrbMU7faZzq9cSp g06ewHcfRtjc FwAY0ZSLo4qmC SUSrR7T8ujNHhTFEXrOJf1hcjQE5aeyMHCtnjxnK0oW04FICDl61M1 MDGYzB3elECXSSHBGNu wXyAFcy bGDwE61kMdEGI5PzeQsux5tscEhyDCOmC4Fm0pobd2efvhCJ6zCoUGv7oLG qgC0Ud1z5N31mCF0HgCpHPBbGphU5Gs2sUl9J27AAQ4BrDYaT Pso7 S6St88 Hmvk354KZcgzZ T2qfbZIcJi25w9NhmkJOGb 1Dx 4E33jhAu TI81gynXLnLy5jSKMORouXDFaVZZXcTDzJFG43v4ecjpgUG xKs0gKiynFx3nazqaTv1Iecy7u0PBYX8xwng6Bi9CZhwTh yiS4VxRsy vMn02C4XP2OIJQzc3hLUr8 HD69tc3wne4uaJ1R8 WwJ1BKWuNlNkZ1bCumyLxOlizRUUogu5zxATYsMd0QVIQJehrT04EfATruYU39Yc7Dq4tA pDZO2IV6B2t6 e mqJXmIQA7pYLPZUqoVupWonA7ceeHO3st6s54g1BR23sZKK7foQ=w1056 h594 no

It isn’t clear what Bowie’s biological family is like, but he is trying his best to win over Andi’s. Ham he already is on good terms with, he is trying to heal things with Bex, but Celia is a tough nut to crack. However, with him cooking food for her, one of her mom’s recipes, he wins her over. Heck, he makes her cry.

But, jumping back to Bex, from what it seems, what ended things with them is because, after a fight, he just left and didn’t come back. Hence why Bex didn’t tell him about Andi and why they haven’t talked in 16 years. He left to be a star and left her behind, without a single word.


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I want to focus on Celia for a second. Now, forgive me if it is racially insensitive to say, but I do wonder if her mom immigrated, she did, or if simply their family has been in the states for generations but held onto their traditions? I ask this mostly because you don’t see a lot of Asian families and while there is Dr. Ken and Fresh Off The Boat, those are comedies with the occasional serious scene. With Andi Mack, on the other hand, it doesn’t feel like a straight comedy. There aren’t jokes set up throughout the show and even with characters like Cyrus, you can see a regular old dude acting and thinking like him.

So with Celia being the sort of Tiger Mom stereotype and softening up as she reminisces, it makes you wonder about her past more. Especially since this show handles race and culture very lightly. I mean, it tips its hat to the cultures of the characters but it never pushes that Andi is Asian, Buffy is Black or even the complications of being bi-racial.

Space Oddity: Bowie, Andi, Jonah, Bex

66Yes ldkgvri6XIoCNLzuQeuDKwyZSO0kkfME7fOwh0KPA9xrvZT I8 cjPhxQOtC3v5Jzy GjCKnxR8iuaURclVAw7S7YLXqY3jL45n9Ic577zCz5ZrqS YPBuEUCaE5B kDSFHMcJ28qaZxvu5aWfIq5M9hMobmqmhUXvFWuFF7fdN8iaKr9vNlFQyP1vs6Zg8Q1Z4w367jJb cJ0pO4wDE4EKCIAwRc83igdjWqNMRWZZCpFjAkG4x9otkC8r31jrm24UkY UYCVIcUM6PrhD5hq5XjOmG6p6eZOk24R9yqKx3tsL3Nj7Oy eUb1E5MzwMHsKexgaz2A5jtgAWmOXE MDcXH0rEbYStNtVWp afmgik2ZdeyVIuykhlKb2wg3wMfOe6vo9km2wVy157BPYLg2VbVQrnIKxDCUROuCUvKjewpZ7RG VkpDbmIwQBrYdsYIsGbvAJ0lxhipVr ZODqrpd85MNgybMrTSTA maPTkbhDNVncwL0s6vXRFNIJ9sGzR1oVPaIQoTpdxWvmDmo3AEu3v2Zez5b5V0ToUpx3wv5FsFv0Zbo ofwvyiX uSzg9x 4H8sm7vWIfzP klDnVgBFsFcOKkXp79JuEjN9YpxQ=w1056 h594 no

Being that Ham has gone through the daughter thing, he is around but not over Andi’s shoulder. Bowie on the other hand? He seemingly wants to be a hands-on dad. You got a game? When and where? Can I be the coach? Can I film it? Of which Andi answers “No.”

In fact, he is in her space so much she has to tell him off a few times. Which Bex tries to explain is a dad thing. After all, what dad wouldn’t want to participate and be in their daughter’s life? But, being that Andi didn’t grow up with that, this stranger being so extra is uncomfortable.

Yet, while Bowie is willing to show some endurance and try to persevere, he isn’t going to stay where he isn’t wanted. So the last time Andi tells him off he decides it is time to leave and rejoin the band he postponed touring with. For while he was just talking with Bex about maybe starting over like she did, to be close to Andi, if Andi doesn’t want him around like that then what is the point?


With Bowie getting a bit more balanced out this episode, I must admit he has grown on me. Yet, despite that, I’m perfectly fine with him becoming a reoccurring character and not part of the main cast. If only because of what he represents when it comes to Andi, in the long run. For Bex pretty much changed her whole life and seemingly put aside her dreams to raise Andi. Now, imagine if both your parents put their dreams aside to raise you, sort of out of guilt because someone else has been doing the job for years. Imagine how Andi would feel about that.

Leading to the hope his reasoning for leaving isn’t cheesy. You know, the usual, “I thought you didn’t want me around anymore.” Because, not only is that played out but he just won over Celia. So with that, who is Andi? I mean, granted, hearing your just learned about kid say that is probably heartbreaking, but still.

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That thought aside, taking note it was 16 years ago when Bowie left, [note] meaning Myspace didn’t exist, never mind Facebook and everyone having a cell phone [/note] it really puts into perspective how final things probably seemed for Bex when Bowie left. After all, what way would she have had to get in contact with him besides word of mouth? I mean, yeah, there was AIM and MSN Messenger, but who knows if either even had a computer? Much less, what was the topic in their fight which led to them calling it quits?

Of course, that is assuming either side thought it would be a straight up break up. For the way Bowie talks makes it seem like he just needed a break to clear his head. Meanwhile, it seems Bex saw it as him being through and moving on. Something they don’t get the chance to clarify since Bex, seemingly, isn’t ready to confront their past just yet.

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