In the penultimate episode of the season, Eddie returns to prominence as he reevaluates his relationship with Shannon.

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In the penultimate episode of the season, Eddie returns to prominence as he reevaluates his relationship with Shannon.

Director(s) Bradley Buecker
Writer(s) Matthew Hodgson
Air Date 5/6/2019

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Reconsider: Maddie

Maddie is at that point where, like Abby in the first season, she feels like she isn’t doing enough. Alongside wishing what she began she could finish. After all, she used to be a nurse so not getting her hands dirty and really being involved, she misses that.

Which she conveys to her co-worker, and her boss, leading to them orchestrating Maddie seeing all the people she saved while a 911 operator. But, whether that’ll be enough to keep her from leaving is anyone’s guess.

Suspension: Bobby, Chimney

With Bobby suspended, Chimney steps up, and a lot of people have a negative opinion about it. Mostly since Bobby is fair and laid back. Chimney, on the other hand, is a bit high strong, particular, and a bit insecure about his title so it throws people off. Thus leading to the team members, we know the name of, visiting Bobby as he plans his and Athena’s wedding.

Forever My Love: Eddie, Christopher, Shannon, Hen, Chimney

Shannon after she was hit by a car.

Things are complicated between Eddie and Shannon. She isn’t sure of the state of their relationship, and with a pregnancy scare, it leads Eddie to think maybe they are ready to treat each other like spouses again. However, with her realizing she was just late, it throws things into perspective for her and pushes her to ask for a divorce.

What follows this is her getting hit by a car and her dying. An act Chimney blames himself for, the dying part since, as captain, not being able to save her he takes on the guilt of. Yet, Hen reminds him she was likely dying by the time they got there, and there wasn’t much they could do. Which doesn’t provide a huge amount of solace but between that, some beer, and Hen noting how she misses Chimney in his old capacity, that takes his mind off things. Well, alongside being noted as her best friend (which we all know is really Athena but let’s let Chimney have this).

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. How good is Gloria’s lawyer to get her a plea deal that kept her out of jail?

Collected Quote(s) & .Gifs

“Don’t push them. Lead them.”
— Bobby

On The Fence

Eddie’s Storyline

Eddie as Shannon dies.

The standout storyline was Eddie’s, and I can’t say it was for good reason. As said earlier this season, Eddie came in and was pushed beyond the development of many season 1 characters. However, he got put on ice after the winter break return, and with this episode, it seemed like they tried to make up for lost time. Which led to an awkward and rushed storyline that honestly didn’t do much for me.

Maybe it’s because Shannon just never popped or Eddie’s whole story just seemed, inauthentic? What I mean by that is, he was built to be a sympathetic character with his son, his wife leaving him, being a veteran, and it seemed all a bit too much at one time. So having it where he and Shannon were possibly having a second child, him wanting to be a couple again, her asking for a divorce, and then her dying? Especially since Eddie has barely been on the show’s radar in forever, it just seemed like they realized the character wasn’t working like they wanted so now they are doing some cleanup.

Which isn’t to say Eddie couldn’t have been what they appeared to want him to be, competition for Buck, but they did a rush job. This Shannon storyline, if it was spaced out more, could have been something. Instead, it seems like she was killed off due to lack of inspiration to write more for her, or Eddie, than anything else.

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Eddie’s Storyline - 70%


While the episode has drama, even a death, “Careful What You Wish For” was a bit lackluster. Eddie’s storyline was made to be more important than Bobby’s suspension and Chimney stepping in. And, in the long run, it felt like Eddie’s story was rushed to clean up a mistake than bring his saga with Shannon to an emotional end.

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