Sarah Silverman

Sarah Silverman: A Speck of Dust – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)

Sarah Silverman is the type of comedian who definitely isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Yes, she is/was popular enough to have her own show. However, she isn’t the type of comedian who gets their own movies. Which is fine since she is at her best in supporting roles, see A Million Ways To Die In…

Dying Laughing – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview/ Review (with Spoilers) With the rise of YouTube and various other online platforms giving birth to comedians, it has made it seem that just being funny was all it took to become a professional. However, the 50+ stand-up comedians involved in this documentary remind you that being funny is good and all, but that’s…

A Million Ways To Die In The West – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview One man seeks happiness and validation in the wrong woman, who dumps him. Luckily for him, though, a new woman enters his life and seems ready to compensate any feelings he is ready to give. Review (with Spoilers) Though controversial, it is hard to say Seth MacFarlane, with his R-rated Looney Tunes style of…

Ashby – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview Ashby is the type of film which sadly focuses on the wrong character. For while Mickey Rourke presents the type of character which could have been groundbreaking, he is stuck playing a father figure to a pretentious kid.