P-Valley: Season 2 – Summary/ Review (with Spoilers)
Season 2 of “P-Valley” does not experience a sophomore slump as it cuts away from its less interesting characters and doubles down on the ones who’d bring you down to the valley.
Season 2 of “P-Valley” does not experience a sophomore slump as it cuts away from its less interesting characters and doubles down on the ones who’d bring you down to the valley.
“Mack and Rita” reverses the de-age trope and shows getting older is a blessing and underrated privilege.
Queen Bees is a reminder that no matter how old you get, you can still find love, new friends, and can’t escape cliques.
A movie featuring people in their golden years, which isn’t a depressing drama or a raunchy comedy? Rather, something in the middle, with romance? Sign us up!
While P-Valley takes a while to get its groove, and has misplaced focus with its characters, by the end you’re hooked.
As Uncle Clifford’s first Pynk graduate comes through, the mystery which is Hailey’s past life continues to unravel.
Family Reunion tries to tap into the vibe classic late 90s/00s sitcoms had and tries to modernize the feel to, sometimes, mixed results.
A character guide for Netflix’s Family Reunion featuring cast members names, character descriptions, and noteworthy information.
Family Reunion is reminiscent of old school sitcoms in all the best ways.
Love Is doesn’t necessarily try to sell you a love story for the ages, but it does try to make dudes who are investments seem like they are ultimately worth it.
Love Is won’t just renew your faith in the possibility of finding blissful love, but also your faith in what television can offer.
Stripped of the qualities he took upon for status, Troy is left trying to find who he is in spite, and because, of his community and upbringing.
While the groundhog day concept isn’t new, one has to wonder can another production use the narrative in a funny, insightful, or heartfelt way? Well, Naked sort of tries.
Being politically correct, or fearing backlash, has changed the output of comedy. This can especially be said for network TV for the Archie Bunker types could never get a green light nowadays. However, The Carmichael Show seems to dance on that line. The line of which what an overly sensitive culture will allow for comedy…
Overview You’re Not You is like a well-made Lifetime movie. Review (with Spoilers) With the ALS ice bucket challenge trend dying down, it seems You’re Not You probably missed a prime opportunity to both highlight the effects of the disease, as well as maybe cash in on it. Though with famous names like Hillary Swank,…
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.