Port Authority Cast and Character Guide (with Ending Spoilers)
A guide for the film “Port Authority.” Noted are cast members, information about their character(s), and additional details about the film’s story and characters.
A guide for the film “Port Authority.” Noted are cast members, information about their character(s), and additional details about the film’s story and characters.
In the heart of New York, a Pittsburgh transplant hopes to start a new life living with his half-sister, but when that doesn’t come to pass, he develops a chosen family.
At times, Voyagers is the teen romantic drama you didn’t know you needed. Yet, with not always being scientifically sound and not using some characters to their fullest – it does falter.
Teenagers, in space, deciding to no longer be on a drug that suppresses their emotions and urges – you know somebody will die.
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch is wonderfully frustrating and will probably lead you to wonder who is truly being controlled? You or Stefan?
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.