Collected Quotes from Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More

“Living by other people’s definitions and perceptions shrinks us to shells of ourselves, rather than complex people embodying multiple identities.” — Redefining Realness: Chapter 18 “New York, 2009” – Page 249 “I could no longer maintain the shiny, untarnished, unattainable facade of that dream girl. […] In mere moments, through the intimate act of storytelling,…

Collected Quotes: Looking For Alaska

Best Of “It was right then […] that I realized the importance of curves, of the thousand places where girls’ bodies ease from one place to another, from arc of the foot to ankle to calf, from calf to hip to waist to breast to neck to ski-slope nose to forehead to should to the…

Collected Quotes from “Paper Towns”

Best Of “Each of us starts out as a watertight vessel. And these things happen: these people leave us, or don’t love us, or don’t get us, or we don’t get them, and we lose and fail and hurt one another. And the vessel starts to crack open in places. And I mean, yeah, once…

Collected Quotes from The Fault in Our Stars

““You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, […] but you do have some say in who hurts you.” — Augustus Waters – The Fault in Our Stars – Page 313 “My thoughts are stars I can’t fathom into constellations.” — Augustus Waters – The Fault in Our Stars – Page…

Collected Book Quotes: If I Stay

Chapter 14 “Seventeen is an inconvenient time to be in love.” — “Chapter 14.” If I Stay (Page 99) “I had broken through some invisible barrier and could finally play the pieces like I heard them being played in my head, and the result had been something transcendent: the mental and physical, the technical and…

TV Series Collected Quotes: Sense8

Best of My love for science doesn’t preclude my faith. For me, science is another language we use to talk about the same miracles that faith talks about. —  “WWN Double-D?” Sense8 In this country, sometimes the only place you can find a brave and honest woman is in prison. —  “WWN Double-D?” Sense8 Our…

Collected Quotes: Scandal

Best Of “I have prayed to God over and over and where there once was his voice, the warmth of how love, there is now only cold silence. […] Without him, without the sign of his love, I am worse than dead.” — “No Sun on the Horizon.” Scandal “You’re running like you are being…

Collected Quotes: Red Band Society

“Real, and uncensored, aren’t exactly the same thing.” — Hunter – “Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car.” Red Band Society “I can handle harsh, what I can’t handle is condescending and rude.” — “There’s No Place Like Homecoming.” Red Band Society “Luck isn’t getting what you want, it’s surviving what you don’t want.”…

Collected Quotes: Orphan Black

Season 4 Treatments do not mean a cure. — “The Redesign of Natural Objects.” Orphan Black Season 1 “Whenever somebody talks about the future I always say ‘show, don’t tell.’” — “Variations Under Domestication.” Orphan Black “Count your blessings, then move on to your worries.” — “Unconscious Selection.” Orphan Black“

Collected Quotes: Orange Is The New Black

Best Of “Do you know what it means when there ain’t nobody out there punishing the evil doers? It means there ain’t nobody giving out prizes for the good ones, neither.” — “Fool Me Once.“ Orange is the New Black “You gotta hit rock bottom before you know which direction to go in.” — “WAC…

TV Series Collected Quotes: Mr. Robot

Best of Is any of it real? […] Synthetic emotions in the form of pills, psychological warfare in the form of advertising, mind-altering chemicals in the form of food, brainwashing seminars in the form of media, controlled isolated bubbles in the form of social networks. Real? You want to talk about reality? We haven’t lived…

Collected Quotes: Masters of Sex

Best Of “I never got to be that. Dumb, maybe, but never a kid. They called me ‘The Little Grown-Up.’ I was so proud of that, being good and following the rules. Anything to be the teacher’s pet. But then you grow up and there’s no teacher to please, just some idea of what people…

TV Series Collected Quotes: Humans

Best Of “The pain you feel isn’t because of what you are, it’s the life you’ve had. But life can change, you can become better.” — “Episode 7.” Humans

Collected Quotes: House of Cards

Best Of “Discussions are not the same as commitment.” — “Chapter 29.” House of Cards “You’re thinking about where we are instead of where we’re headed.” — “Chapter 25.” House of Cards “Pay attention to the fine print, it’s far more important than the selling price.” — “Chapter 16.” House of Cards “Decisions based on…

TV Series Collected Quotes: Hannibal

“Therapy only works when we have a genuine desire to know ourselves as we are, not as we would like to be.” — “Shiizakana.” Hannibal “Memory gives moments immortality, but forgetfulness promotes a happy mind.” — “Shiizakana.” Hannibal “You’ve spent a lot of time building walls […], it’s natural to see if someone is clever…

Collected Quotes: Girl Meets World

Best Of Only you get to decide when you quit. No well intended friend, no parent who’s only trying to protect you, and no teacher who’s supposed to bring out the best in you, can make you turn your back on something you’re passionate about. —  “Girl Meets Rah Rah.” Girl Meets World “We cannot…

Collected Quotes: Game of Thrones (Season 4 – Present / TellTale Games)

The Best of Game of Thrones “I’ve had an exciting life, I want my death to be boring.” —  “The Sons of the Harpy.” Game of Thrones I have been a cynic for as long as I can remember. Everyone is always asking me to believe in things: Family, gods, kings, myself… It was often…

TV Series Collected Quotes: The Fosters

Best Of “Not all of us are like you with a relentless need to process things the very second they happen. Some of us need a little more time to figure out how we feel.” — “Don’t Let Go.” The Fosters “You’re the reason I can’t be with you […]. You don’t know what you…

Collected Quotes: Downton Abbey (Season 3 – End)

Best Of A problem shared is a problem halved, or doubled. —  “Season 6/ Episode 1.″ “The presence of strangers is our only guarantee of good behavior.” —  “Christmas Special – Season 5.“ “A lack of compassion can be as vulgar as an excess of tears” —           “Season 5/ Episode…

TV Series Collected Quotes: Chasing Life

Best Of “You’re an adult now. It’s okay to let some relationships be superficial.” — “Locks of Love.” “Being blunt is just my coping mechanism.” — “Death Becomes Her.” “Religion is separate from God. It’s one way to connect with God, but religion, it’s a whole way of life. It’s sort of a long term…

Collected Quotes: Being Mary Jane

Best Of “This is my story, or at least it’s as close to it as I’m currently willing to share.” — “Pulling The Trigger.” Being Mary Jane “I don’t want to talk about sisterhood. I know there are a lot of professional women here, but I want to talk to the younger girls. You’re in…

TV Series Collected Quotes: Awkward

Every disappointment could seem like the end of the world, and conversely, every victory felt like an ascension. — “The Graduates.” Awkward “If he can’t be civil to you at lunch, or make plans with you rather than showing up whenever he feels like it, then you’re his f-buddy not his friend.”— “Touched by an…

Collected Quotes: Wendy’s Got The Heat

Best Of “I think all of that doting and hand-holding makes the healing process that much slower.” —  “And Baby Makes…” Wendy’s Got The Heat (Page 184) – Wendy Williams

Collected Quotes: God Help The Child

Best Of “I’ll never forget it, and even if I tried to, the scars, let alone the same, wouldn’t let me.” —  “Bride.” God Help The Child – Page 29 “[…] my sex life became sort of like Diet Coke – deceptively sweet minus nutrition.” —  “Bride.” God Help The Child – Page 36 “[…]…

Collected Quotes: The Bluest Eye

“He had been reared in a family proud of its academic accomplishments and its mixed blood-in fact, they believed the former was based on the latter. […] With the confidence born of a conviction of superiority, they performed well at schools. They were industrious, orderly, and energetic, hoping to prove beyond a doubt De Gobineau’s…

Collected Quotes From: Recovery Road

No matter what I do now, there are certain doors I have already closed, certain opportunities I’ll never get back. […] It is what it is. —  “Part 5/ Chapter 4.” Recovery Road – Page 209 It’s not perfect. […] Which is different than not right. — “Part 5/ Chapter 7.” Recovery Road – Page…

Collected Quotes: The Color Purple

[…] tell the truth, have you ever found God in church? I never did. I just found a bunch of folks hoping for him to show. Any God I ever felt in church I brought in with me, And I think all the other folks did too. They come to church to share God, not…

Collected Quotes: Amari Allah

Best of I don’t need to understand every last thing about you. We could be together for as long as you have lived thus far, and I still wouldn’t know everything. All I need to understand is my place in your life and in return let you understand your place in mine. — Amari Sali…

America Sniper – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Overview A film in which we see how far patriotism, and military culture, can take one man seemingly willing to risk it all at the cost of quite a few lives. Trigger Warning(s): Shooting of Children, 9/11 Imagery, and Dismembered Bodies Review (with Spoilers) – Below