1. I liked everything about this film except Zendaya as MJ, they turned MJ into a moody SJW who adds nothing of worth to the film except to claim diversity and take a couple shots at Washington. Otherwise the movie was highly entertaining.

    1. I feel sorry for the backlash that child is gonna get. Not just for the SJW angle but the way she played MJ made me wonder if she was going to reveal she had some type of disorder. She was just played as so eccentric and weird it was a bit off putting.

      1. So they were going to make her Mary Jane and then they got backlash and backed up, instead they make her another ‘MJ’ with worst characteristic than the orginal. Not only did they kill her character but they didn’t even have the balls to make her the real MJ like they wanted in the first place. Complete punk move

        1. Well, you know the Zendaya inclusion was probably a Disney idea. No shade to her but I don’t get it otherwise.

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