1. Good review – but your criticism about “ending it sooner if her grandpa spoke to the right person” is purely incorrect.

    It was Nancy who sold the pig to Mija, but it was Lucy who insisted on the competition, as all part fo the publicity stunt, and Okja WAS the winner.

    There was no way Lucy would have let Okja go, or at least before the massive PR stunt that was getting Okja on stage and branded as the winner.

    It wasn’t until, at the END of the film, that Nancy comes in and takes back over, and doesn’t care about the publicity. It’s at that point that Okja is just like all the other super pigs in the slaughterhouse. It’s that reason Nancy didn’t let her go, until Mija made a reasonable bid for it.

    No amount of money would have made Lucy give up Okja. So the “Evil” twin coming in to play is really the reason why Mija got Okja back.

  2. Seems like you might have completely missed the last scene after the credits? Sure it isn’t perfect, but I think that this really helped to bring it all back on track.

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