Done In – Overview/ Review (with Spoilers)

Done In truly is the type of film you want to see carefully expanded. For with it only being 7 minutes of film, and one minute of credits, it truly doesn’t feel like enough. The film begins with a man (Guy Henry) reminiscing in such a way where you feel like Done In is more…

Done In truly is the type of film you want to see carefully expanded. For with it only being 7 minutes of film, and one minute of credits, it truly doesn’t feel like enough.

The film begins with a man (Guy Henry) reminiscing in such a way where you feel like Done In is more so an introduction, if not prelude, to a Hollywood drama than a 7-minute indie film.

This is thanks to Henry’s capabilities as an actor, and Adam Stephen Kelly, the director, and writer creating an intimate world in which the camera shows us what we need to see. Such as pictures of the man and his children, the outside of his home, and stories which honestly make you feel bad for him.

For essentially what is presented to us is a lonely man. Someone who you quickly feel sympathy for as Henry provides narration and while you find it unfortunate he is considering suicide, you understand the reasoning behind. Making for when we see the life of the man we fell for end, it is quite tragic.

In my opinion, if you can get your hands on Done In, when it is made available, you should do so. For somehow, within 7 minutes, you are quickly pulled in and feel invested in this poor man. Making it so when the film spits you out, you are left a bit shocked. 5/5

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  • Plot and Dialog - /100
  • Character Development and Performances - /100
  • Visuals and Sound - /100
  • Pacing - /100
  • Value For Intended Audience - /100
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