1. I just finished watching this movie and it was good, better than most but the thing that got me and keeps getting me is this obsession with having people already in relationships. Like what did Grey actually add to the story? Jake knew she was engaged, she had said it moments before and he didn’t mention that as a bit of a red flag when his aunt was trying to push him. He knew she was engaged when he asked to kiss her and she knew she was engaged when she said yes and almost kissed him! When the fiance comes she acts like him being upset that his fiance who hasn’t been in contact with him and he came to rescue from a storm in hugging another guy. Sure they ramp up his rudeness and prejudice later but that moment is completely justified, she herself got upset when he said he would talk to the girl from accounting.

    This sort of thing just happens too often, it implies that women in relationships are inherently untrustworthy, it happened in Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail, Maid of Honour, the list goes on and on. You’re meant to root for these love stories because you didn’t see the first live story. We don’t know how her and Gray got together so we don’t care about their relationship, he doesn’t respect small towns or Christmas traditions so we’re meant to think it’s okay that she was cheating on him but not okay that the Jake’s wife cheated on her struggling art student boyfriend. I just think the entire movie could have been done without that and it would have been much better.

    Plus, did anyone else wanna see her tell the electronics guy how it would actually be good for his business to donate? I get that it’s a Christmas movie but all she ended up saying to convince him was “it’s the right thing to do”. I wanted to see her show off that she has experience running a business.

    This was a good movie but you gotta change the formula please! No more women in relationships getting into new relationships. We are not inherently fickle. And of a relationship is bad you don’t need to find someone else before you end it.

  2. This is certainly one of the better made for TV Christmas films! The performances were pretty solid and it actually had a decent message.

    I agree with @Mili_Fay about the clothing, it was actually because it was freezing and snowy that they kept mentioning that. If you remember rightly she eventually asks for a jacket/coat . . .

  3. I’ve been watching one Hallmark Christmas movie after another with my mom this season and I have to say that this one was great fun. Acting was wonderful (something that seems forced and awkward in many of these movies) and I thought the story was cute.

    Could it have been better? Yes. However, there is a time limit to movies and sometimes you just have to let certain things go.

    I disagree on the clothing issue. I do think they were mostly worried about her. I’ve lived this scenario on the side of the town’s people. In my case, it was wearing sandals in the woods — too dangerous. Yes, we teased our friends a bit, but I would not call it “shaming”. Ellen was dressed quite elegantly, so there was no reason for them to criticise the lack of clothing in your interpretation. When they realised the teasing could have come off that way, they made it into a joke to release tension. Felt quite natural.

    The greatest criticism I have is regarding Jake’s hair. I think that was the worst haircut I have ever seen on a romantic lead. I kept having this urge to get in there and do something about it.

    I do think the idea that her fiancé was Zeke’s son could have been more interesting, but I feel that to truly push issues this movie should have been a mini-series.

    They made it clear from the beginning that Ellen and Gray were not a true couple; he had no idea where she was at the party they came to together, he though a vacation that they can take at a drop of a hat was more important than the task given to her by her father, he kept belittling her family’s traditions, he didn’t complement her cooking,… I thought they handled the progression of the relationship status extremely well in the time they had.

    I do not watch horror movies and criticise them because they are scary. For what it is, this movie exceeds expectations. I’d be happy to watch it again.

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