Maxton Hall – The World Between Us: Character Guide and Noteworthy Information
This is a character guide for Prime Video’s “Maxton Hall – The World Between Us,” with character descriptions, quotes, names of actors, and more.

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Harriet Herbig-Matten As Ruby Bell

The eldest of two, Ruby has studied hard to get into Oxford and sees Maxton Hall as the best college for her to transition into the illustrious university. But, alongside studying, she also works at the family cafe to help support her household.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 1
Additional Information
- Age (1.4): Ruby turns 18
- Middle Name (1.4): Jemima
Andrea Guo As Lin

Lin is Ruby’s best friend. Like most of those who go to Maxton Hall, she comes from a wealthy family. However, some bad decisions have left her family far from destitute, but certainly not in the income bracket they once were.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 1
Additional Information
- Bankruptcy (1.3): Lin’s family went broke due to her father
Runa Greiner As Ember Bell

Ember is Ruby’s flirty little sister, who is into fashion, is even a seamstress and designer, and is as kind as Ruby, as long as you don’t get on her bad side.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 1
Martin Neuhaus As Angus Bell

Angus is Ruby and Ember’s father, who, after an accident, now needs to use a wheelchair.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 1
Additional Information
- Age (1.2): Is almost 50 years old
- Anniversary (1.3): Angus has been married for 20 years
- Paralysis (1.3): Angus became paralyzed due to him getting hit by a boat while trying to rescue Ruby
Eidin Jalali As Mr. Graham Sutton

Mr. Sutton is the Maxton Hall philosophy professor.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 1
Sonja Weißer As Lydia Beaufort

Lydia is James’ little sister, who is scandal-prone due to her relationships but brilliant regarding business, and she could succeed her mother as artistic director of the Beaufort brand if her father believed in her.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 1
Additional Information
- Young Beaufort (Season 1): Lydia is the mind behind the Young Beaufort brand, despite Mortimer making James the face of it.
Damian Hardung As James Beaufort

James is the star lacrosse player of Maxton Hall, comes from one of the richest families, and is considered one of the sexiest men around. Yet, despite his father’s push for him to get in and eventually take over the family business, James’ heart is into drawing.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 1
Additional Information
- Age (1.2): 18
- Middle Name (1.4): Mortimer, his father’s first name
Thomas Douglas As Mr. Lexington

Mr. Lexington is the headmaster at Maxton Hall, and he is very particular and not the fuzziest of people.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 1
Frederic Balonier As Kiernan

Kiernan is a member of the event committee, and Lin teases and pushes the idea that he has a crush on Ruby.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 1
Justus Riesner As Allistair

Alistair is a lacrosse team member with whom James is cool, but he is also aware that he is his competition. He is also gay and struggling to find someone mutually interested in him but also out.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 1
Fedja van Huêt As Mortimer Beaufort

Mortimer is the head of the Beaufort family, and as he turns a blind eye to Lydia, he hones in on James to be his successor. Mind you, James seems to have no desire to follow his father’s footsteps, especially as he blocks him from doing the thing he loves. However, with Mortimer drilling into him how life is like chess, and you have to sometimes feign and push the idea your opponent has power before striking, it seems Mortimer may not realize his son is playing a long game.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 2
Bernd Lambrecht As Harold Ellington

Harold is a member of the Ellington’s, an ultra-rich and prestigious family whose investment Mortimer wants into the Beaufort brand.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 2
Eli Riccardi As Elaine Ellington

Alistair’s sister, who potentially has a crush on James, is seen as a means to seal the relationship between the Beauforts and Ellingtons.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 2
Cynthia Micas As Pippa Winfield

Pippa is a teacher at Maxton Hall who takes over Mr. Sutton’s class and appears to have a past with him.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 2
Hyun Wanner As Percy

Percy is the Beaufort’s driver, primarily Lydia and James.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 2
Clelia Sarto As Cordelia

Cordelia is the artistic director for Beaufort, the mother of James and Lydia, and it appears she is a blood-related Beaufort while Mortimer married into the family.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 2
Gustav Schmidt As June

June is part of the welcoming committee at Oxford.
- Introduced In: Season 1 Episode 6
General Information
Groups & Organizations
- Beaufort (1.2): A 125-year-old brand known for dressing the rich and famous
- Founded (1.3): Around 1848
Notable Locations & Items
- Maxton Hall College (1.1): The college where the cast go
- Hilda’s College at Oxford (1.3): The specific college at Oxford that Ruby wants to go to