Collected Quotes From: Recovery Road

No matter what I do now, there are certain doors I have already closed, certain opportunities I’ll never get back. It is what it is. —  “Part 5/ Chapter 4.” Recovery Road – Page 209 It’s not perfect. Which is different than not right. — “Part 5/ Chapter 7.” Recovery Road – Page 221 You…

No matter what I do now, there are certain doors I have already closed, certain opportunities I’ll never get back. It is what it is.
—  “Part 5/ Chapter 4.” Recovery Road – Page 209

It’s not perfect. Which is different than not right.
— “Part 5/ Chapter 7.” Recovery Road – Page 221

You can change things. You can repair mistakes. You can restart your whole life if you have to. But some things you never get back. Certain people. Certain moments in time when you don’t know better than to shield your heart. You don’t see those moments coming, you don’t know it when they’re happening, but later, as the plainness of life begins to show itself, you realize how important they are. You understand who really changes you, who made you what you are.
—  “Part 9/ Chapter 7.″ Recovery Road – Page 310

The Rest

Part 9

You can change things. You can repair mistakes. You can restart your whole life if you have to. But some things you never get back. Certain people. Certain moments in time when you don’t know better than to shield your heart. You don’t see those moments coming, you don’t know it when they’re happening, but later, as the plainness of life begins to show itself, you realize how important they are. You understand who really changes you, who made you what you are.

— “Part 9/ Chapter 7.″ Recovery Road – Page 310

Part 5

No matter what I do now, there are certain doors I have already closed, certain opportunities I’ll never get back. It is what it is.

—  “Part 5/ Chapter 4.” Recovery Road  – Page 209

It’s not perfect. Which is different than not right.

— “Part 5/ Chapter 7.” Recovery Road – Page 221

We’re both the same in that way, smart girls who somehow decided we shouldn’t be, or were afraid to be, or just decided to rebel against our own abilities for some reason.

— “Part 5/ Chapter 4.” Recovery Road – Page 208

Part 2

Chapter 6

“Dorks are physically uncoordinated. Geeks have specialized knowledge of complex systems.”
—           “Part 2/ Chapter 6.” Recovery Road – Page 88

Part 1

Chapter 19

“This is where I want to be now, alone with myself. Because I know that something has happened to me tonight, something that I’m not going to understand at first, something I need to just absorb and think about and get used to.”

— “Chapter 19.″ Recovery Road – Page 56

Chapter 7

“You know there’s a saying: ‘If you meet three assholes in a day, you’re the asshole.’”

— “Chapter 7.” Recovery Road – Page 21

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