Daytime Divas: Season 1/ Episode 8 “And the Loser Is…” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
Reconciling is often about making peace with something or someone. However, as shown in this episode of Daytime Divas, it isn’t always good to have a reunion.
Amari is the founder and head writer of and has been writing reviews since 2010, with a focus on dramas and comedies.
Reconciling is often about making peace with something or someone. However, as shown in this episode of Daytime Divas, it isn’t always good to have a reunion.
As Marty figures out a way, thanks to Wendy, to get the remaining money he needs, Ruth and Charlotte come to the edge of a breaking point.
It’s a lot of what we are already used to in “The Science of Love” to the point it is hard to say the story is moving forward.
Two girls leading two separate lives. Charlotte is just focused on a cute older boy while Ruth is trying to be just like her daddy. Just without ending up in jail.
Insecure returns and Issa is still recovering from Lawrence walking out on her cheating behind. But she is “Hella Great” otherwise.
Marty finds religion… as something to exploit to meet his goals. Meanwhile, Ruth is given a bit more responsibility in Marty’s enterprise.
As everyone tries to gather allies, we are reminded it is not the number of allies but the quality of generals and soldiers that win battles.
Marty begins making power moves which upset the local order. All the while, the FBI tries to make friends with the Langmores and Wendy is making some moves of her own.
While it is shown no beast can handle Ernie and his upgrade of the Silhouette Knights, as for if the boy can handle the betrayal of his fellow human being? That is up for debate.
We continue this origin path by learning of the Princess’ first mission, as well learn about Beatrice’s tragic past.
Ozark continues to get better as Ruth’s family plays a bigger role, a potential love interest seems possible for Marty, and the FBI land in Ozark.
Ozark makes a positive turn as Julia Garner shows up, we see these rural people ain’t stupid, and Marty shows he isn’t a complete ass.
I honestly feel at this point, and as shown by Karandi of 100 Word Anime forgetting the show in her Best and Worst anime of Spring 2017, this is a show good only because it is consistent. It may not be the top action anime, may not have the best romance or drama, but it…
Raven returns to Disney in Raven’s Home and while the formula is mostly the same, there is some adaptation to the more mature direction Disney is going.
Ozark is not going to help the Netflix criticism of it focusing more on quantity over quality. However, there is this sliver of hope that when Julia Garner comes around [note]Hopefully in episode 2[/note], she can save this dull as cardboard show.
While Madame in Black gives you the creeps with its score and sound effects, the characters presented you are given so little on that it is hard to care if they die. Disclaimer: I was given a link by Writer/ Director Jarno Lee Vinsencius to see this movie.
Without question, Girls Trip is the funniest movie I have ever seen PERIOD. All thanks to, not necessarily the established stars, per se, but Tiffany Haddish.
If I may sort of rant, I really don’t understand how and why this show doesn’t get major accolade notoriety. For while, I get, as a Black person, we should uphold the NAACP awards, maybe BET awards, and all that, it isn’t like all of your peers recognizing you, you know? Plus, with this argument…
At its heart, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is a cheesy love story wrapped up in an overly reliant on CGI action film. The kind which really makes it seem Luc Besson isn’t capable of producing another classic.
The Carmichael Show follows up on follows up on what happened in the “Morris” episode and reminds you that Cynthia has not forgotten that big reveal.
Kizumonogatari ends more so with a whimper than a roar. For while the fight scenes are quite epic, and the ecchi we are used to is there, something is missing. Of which I can only believe is its heart.
I rented No Way To Live on Amazon thinking I was going to get some complicated 1950s interracial romance. But, let me tell you, don’t be fooled by the advertisement. We get something much more interesting.
It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt right? Well, in Netsuzou Trap’s case, someone possibly gets raped.
They say all of a person’s experience builds off one another. Which, after seeing Tank and the Bangas, I believe is true. For over the last year I’ve been to a Rock concert, a Hip Hop/ Rap concert, and also one featuring one of the top artists in R&B. And I honestly feel, all the…
As a 25-year-old Black dude, meaning I’m Sutton’s age, who watches shows of which I’m probably not the aimed for demographic, it can be weird. Only because sometimes folks don’t get it. Why would someone your age watch Andi Mack or even something like The Bold Type? Well, it is because we live in an…
As always, the guest to The Lunch Hour shake things up. But, this time around, it isn’t just the people on the dais who cause trouble and drama for Maxine and company.
I can’t remember where, but recently I read something to the effect of Netflix being the new HBO. Something which Castlevania adds fuel to. If only because, while gloriously violent, like some HBO shows, it is rather thin in story.
Screw whatever Scum’s Love comparison I made. Koi to Oso (Love & Lies) may have some similarities, but it is much lighter and can be jaw dropping without sexual content.
Game of Thrones remains perhaps the only show which can be more than 3 seasons in and still entertain its audience.
With Ernie defeating a behemoth, so comes the question of what is next? Well, revolutionizing the Silhouette Knights of course. Which definitely brings some unfriendly eyes.
Well, consider me sold. A quite intriguing detail is revealed this episode and now I’m so hooked on seeing how it unfolds.
The Read warned me that not all of Jill’s remixes to old favorites I was going to rock with. However, whether she was preaching to the choir at NJPAC or starting a dance party, Jill Scott made sure your price of admission was worth it.
A Life Not To Follow plays out like a book adaptation. One in which you get multiple connected stories, from the different players involved, before it all ties bind in the end. In which you are given just enough to see how all things are connected.
To The Bones makes it so you officially can’t say Lily Collins is living off her father’s name anymore. For she proves herself as an actress just as capable of being a romantic lead as someone whose story can be emotionally heavy and heartbreaking.
With the way things seem, don’t be surprised if the Gods and Demons join forces to rebuke Charioce and the humans he represents.
The end of The Defiant Ones brings us the rise of Eminem, more name dropping, then how Beats by Dre became the phenomenon that it is. Thus leaving only how the money from that Apple deal was spent for the ending.
If interested in Wish Upon, I want you to walk in with a post-Child’s Play, pre 2nd reboot, Chucky mindset. In that, while things are kind of graphic, they are also comical and a bit cheesy. Alongside that, I implore you to either bring a friend who gives comical commentary or go to a theater…
When does a vice become a problem? Is domestic violence something to be less serious when a woman hurts a man? How messed up is Nekeisha’s life really? That’s what gets covered in episode 8 “Intervention.”
At a certain point, Jimmy’s story stops and just merges with Dr. Dre. Thus giving Interscope it’s meteoric rise. Yet, as before, while we hear people praise Jimmy, Dre shares his spotlight with the artist he helped make into legends.
The overall goal of Wherever I Look is to fill in that space between the average fan and critic and advise you on what’s worth experiencing.