1. Hi Amari! “You shouldn’t confuse compatibility with chemistry” describing Alex and Morgan – Beautiful!

    Shaun’s rules for Jordan when she was at his and Lea’s apartment reminded me so much of how I was when my daughter Mary was young and how similar I was to Shaun and his rules. Since Mary was non-verbal until she was about 11 years old, she didn’t understand anything people were saying for a long time. I didn’t want to ignore her by talking to other people, so for the most part I ignored them! In my opinion it would be like me and a friend talking in French in front of someone who does not speak French. That would be rude to do. And I wasn’t going to be rude to my own child in her own home!

    Speaking of rude, what was up with Jordan saying, after Shaun ignored Jordan at the apartment, “What if the device/thingy had no manners?” Is that implying Shaun has no manners? Shaun *already told* Jordan he was going to ignore her, so I don’t see where there is a lack of manners!

    1. I took the way Jordan acted as her adjusted to Shaun’s world, just as much as Shaun had to adjust to hers. It’s not a quick and easy process. You’re going to feel slighted, and a slew of other negative emotions. Yet, you adjust to the environment and make it work.

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