1. The idea is sure appealing for the reasons you listed, Amari, but it comes with some drawbacks, too:

    1) It is somewhat repetitive of Claire and Morgan in season 3.

    2) While spending time off-work is good for the characters’ psyches and they sure will not be subjects of salacious rumors as with Melendez, there’s the question when they might cross the border to the next case of favoritism. It is already evident in episodes 403 & 404 that Lim holds Claire in higher esteem than the other residents.

    3) Such an story arc would push Claire’s character back to its roots in season 1 as the overly empathetic communicator, thus it might offer little for the characters continued growth and cause it to stagnate instead.

  2. Chiming in on the topic of Andrews, I must say that I really enjoy the slow burn character arc from part-time villain to stern mentor. Andrews has been an ambivalent character, struggling with his ambitions as well as his weak decision-making. He went high and fell deep, yet he recovers and grows, although slowly compared to the lead character. I still appreciate that.

    As with his wife, there was a backstory to her disappearance, but it was cut due to screen time restrictions. The scenes are included in the deleted scenes in the season 2 DVDs: after becoming hospital President, Andrews was forced to cut the annual budget of his wife’s department to fund his planned surgical center of excellence. Of course, this led to some tensions between the two and his wife ultimately decided to take on a research assignment at Stanford to preserve their marriage.

    Guess we can agree that TGDs cast is quite large for 43 min screen time and 18-20 episodes. Thus, the supporting characters are always the first to pay the price for that. 🙁

  3. Hi Emily! Indeed, Shaun had to struggle a lot this episode shifting his focus between his trainees and the patient, and Lea off course. I’m still laughing about him storming into the patient’s room announcing his girlfriend is moving in, just earning him blank faces from his colleagues… 🙂 To his defense I should add that multi-tasking can be especially hard for individuals on spectrum, thus the exchange during labor you noted. 😉

    As for your 2nd favorite Claire, the next storyline I might foresee is to take the role Morgan was to her in season 3: being a friend – to Lim. Because as short as the scene with them playing a video game was, “I like filling my evenings with numbing mindlessness” [and taking a drink], communicates a ton of information. Not only is Lim a lot alone at home, it also reveals that the stress of her job, the life-and-death decisions of “Frontline” are eating her away. Thus, Claire might be a supporting character to Lim soon.

    1. When you think about it, that’s not a bad idea. Claire and Lim’s storyline often had the focus of a man, like Melendez, or trying to gain validation from a guy from work. That not being a factor, and it just being two women enjoying each other’s company, not in competition, but them just being wanting comradery, that is a notable change for both. If not the whole show which usually is focused on a male character.

    2. I remember that Surgical Center of Excellence. I think the first surgery in that center was the guy with the huge tumor. Then I don’t remember ever hearing about the Center again. I guess one could say the Center was like a supporting character that got an episode in the spotlight and then was dropped. 🙂 Thank you, Andreas, for telling us about the deleted scenes with Andrews and his wife! That was very interesting! I hope Andrews and Olivia’s storyline doesn’t go the same way Andrews and his wife’s storyline did.

      Good point in the other post about Shaun not being able to multi-task very well. I did not know that. As someone who cannot multi-task, I can relate. I guess I thought Shaun should have just ignored the interns’s feelings until after the babies were saved.

  4. Hi Andreas! Hi Amari! Andreas – “an episode on ADHD” is a great description, especially in that scene where the patient was in labor and Shaun was helping the patient, attending to Olivia’s feelings and attending to Jordan’s feelings, all at the same time! I felt sorry for the patient and wanted to yell at Shaun “Who cares how Olivia and Jordan are feeling?! Just make sure both babies survive!”

    Amari – I really like this “new” layout for the website! Very sharp!! Regarding the show, I agree the new characters make the show fresher. But with my favorite (next to Shaun) character, Claire, I do worry she is about to go through another one of those frustrating dry spells where there is no decent storyline for her. The writers are setting up one for Alex and Morgan by moving Alex into Morgan’s place. I think all 3 of us are wondering if Claire will get to do anything in the upcoming episodes.

    Quick side note – I agree that it is nice to see Dr. Andrews get some character growth. That’s hasn’t happened in a looong time!

    1. Thank you! I find myself constantly wanting to make things look different, especially when I make time to see what my peers are doing.

      In terms of Dr. Andrews, I think like Claire, to a lesser extent, they present major moments for him, let them dwindle out, then set him back and have him explore a new path. Such as him trying to have a kid, then his wife disappearing from the show and putting him on ice. Dr. Andrews becoming president, getting fired from that, and back to being a surgeon. All the while us barely learning anything about him for he was at the service of others. But in this episode, we learned he had a sister, a niece, and there was some drama between his parents growing up.

      I just hope this leap is mutually beneficial for him and Olivia, and not just Olivia.

  5. This felt like an episode on ADHD; with all the newbies buzzing around the senior doctors who needed to attend not only to their patients but their various problems; the pace of the story felt restless to me – with some yoga inserted to underscore the haste. Just my humor.

    So, Lea, needing real commitment and security, wasn’t scared away when Shaun went down on his knee as if he was proposing to her – and gave away his banking password. Shaun still knows how to ruin a moment. 🙂 It fits TGDs style to hide such important moments in a hilarious scene.

    And on the other front: Morgan is almost everywhere! By taking away her surgical career, the show found a way for the character to interact with the other cast members even more than before. As much as Morgan hates internal medicine, it allowed her to refer both patients of the week to the surgical teams, overseeing their treatments and torturing the surgeons in one swift move. With this, Morgan has become the cast’s joker, ready to be played anytime when needed, tying stories together or giving them a push. Couldn’t have hoped for more.

    Now with Claire, I’m in the same boat with you, Amari. She feels sidelined since the season’s start, and that might be tied to real-world events, more specific the backlash fans of Claire and Melendez gave the show since the attending’s death.

    The social media accounts of the show and the writers have been barraged ever since with accusations of misogynism, racism, fascism, and the constant plea for stopping torturing Claire and #bringbackmelendez. In a way, the fans succeeded, summoning a “ghost”, whose most notable contributions were “fixating on dead people it’s not a life” and “you [Claire] have an amazing story ahead”.

    Now look at Claire in “Not The Same”: she enjoys company again, handles her job flawlessly, rules the OR, excels at supervising her first-years, is held in high esteem by the Chief of Surgery. The character even gets to reenact Melendez’s death with a positive outcome, boosting her healing process. Claire is in a better place and thrives. Yet, a character that isn’t challenged anymore quickly becomes irrelevant in a drama series. Claire’s most important contribution to episode 404 was to give Lim a reason to reveal how lonesome the Chief of Surgery feels after work.

    The main battles of season 4 so far are fought by Shaun and Morgan. So, the question is: will Claire’s run continue or will she get a decent drama plot again?

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