One Comment

  1. I’m late for the game this time but let me express how intrigued I was by your observation, Amari, that what Shaun goes through this episode is something every expecting father has to go through.

    Since I never had kids of my own, this is the first time in the series’ run that I feel completely out of the loop with what Shaun is experiencing. The more I’m grateful for your input on this, Amari! ?

    Now, concerning the newest developments between Morgan and Park – I had some doubts myself with this pairing, although of a different kind than what you have brought up in the past.

    On paper, this couple made a lot of sense to me. Morgan is just a difficult character as Shaun; thus she needs a strong counterpart that is not only experienced but also a masochist to some degree… Enter the seasoned ex-cop! ??

    Though, when I look at how the characters have been developed and performed, I got some doubts. Will Yun Lee does in my opinion an excellent job at portraying Park as the stone his father taught him to be – which makes Park a little boring compared to Fiona Gubelmann’s multi-layered Morgan. Thus, they don’t give me the vibes for a roll in the hay being their destiny.

    So, it came as a relief to me that “Spilled Milk” turned this arc into an exploration of Morgan learning to be vulnerable for a change. This plays into all the strengths of both characters: Park can remain the well-meaning buddy while we watch yet another piece of Morgan’s armor coming off. With that, the script stayed true to both characters.

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