1. I will never pardon Shaun’s dad for killing the hare cos he must have known flinging a small lightly built animal forcefully inyo a solid brick wall would kill that animal and as someone who cares more about dogs and other animals than hukan beings that was unforgivable and I’m praying Shaun furiously scolds his dad before the sod dies

  2. Thanks for the link! That looks like it will be a very good episode!

    I agree with you that addressing Claire’s past story lines would be an excellent idea before the writers start Claire on a new path with Dr. Melendez, if that is where they are heading. But I think they feel like they wrapped up the story line of Dr. Coyle with their brief, unsatisfying explanation that he was moved to a new department. And the writers had Jared and Claire say good-bye to each other in Jared’s last episode, so I don’t think they’re going to give him another thought. So unfortunately I do not see the writers acknowledging any of Claire’s previous story lines, even in passing.

  3. Poor Claire!! This was the story line that I found the most interesting in this episode. And when Sasha slapped her – I did not see that coming! I agree that this is Claire hitting rock bottom, and having Dr. Melendez come and console her (not Dr. Park, although I thought it would be Morgan at first) piqued my interest, too. Even though “Dr. Melendez needs a new character to leech off” (a little harsh, but funny!), I still am wary of their superior/subordinate relationship, while at the same time I acknowledge what great chemistry they have. If something happens with them beyond this episode, I hope the writers move slowly and deal with how he is her boss and how that sabotaged his relationship with Dr. Lim.

    I’m really hoping we meet Shawn’s parents, or at least his mother.

    I too was surprised to find out that Morgan had cheated. She is always in control, sometimes even obnoxiously so. So for her to lose control so completely like that seems so much out of character for her. And I agreed with you as to why Morgan told a patient about her cheating but would never tell anyone she worked with. I can see them teasing Morgan with this repeatedly.

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