1. Morgan has a family! Yay!! While the “Let’s get Carly to climax” storyline started to drag for me, Morgan’s storyline was great from start to finish! I was wondering if the writers would ever let her have a family. It is almost as if they were hoping we would forget she saw her grandfather many episodes ago. So I was pleased they decided to give her a mother and brother. Whether we will ever see them again is another matter entirely. I’d say probably not. But at least we got this.

    It was also good to see Dr. Lim have a few lines outside the operating room. I wonder if she will ever get a family (or a storyline). Again, probably not, even though you had some good ideas. That’s too bad.

    Even though the show started out as being about an autistic doctor and the challenges he faces, it looks like the show has evolved into something different. Last year I read an interview with one of the showrunners who said (I can’t remember his exact words) something like the residents can be residents for as long as the show runs. Maybe they just don’t graduate until ABC decides to cancel the show, like the law students on “How to Get Away With Murder”. They were law students for 5 or 6 years instead of 3 years. And since we’ve never seen the classes behind them, there isn’t much pressure to move Shaun and friends along. So I think this show could last awhile if ABC wants it to.

    1. It would be less of an issue if they didn’t date them. By noting they are third year students, it makes it so we know each season is roughly a year in time. That is, unless they decide to abandon that.

      1. I noticed that at the beginning of this season, Dr. Lim made a big deal about the residents being THIRD-year residents, which, like you wrote, definitely dates them. Either she will need to stop announcing what year they are at the beginning of each season or TPTB will have to cancel the show. I vote the former 🙂 !

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