One Comment

  1. Thanks for the shout-out! That was so cool!!

    I’m still hoping Carly isn’t there to get Shaun ready for Lea. I liked how Shaun and Lea could be just friends without the annoying will-they-or-won’t-they vibe from season 1. And Carly’s being so patient with Shaun, and to have him say “Nope, I’ve changed my mind about Lea” would be unfair and mean. But with Shaun crying in Lea’s arms, it doesn’t look good for Carly.

    Marcie’s excuse for abandoning (good word!) Shaun and Steve and staying with their abusive father was so lame! I won’t bore you with the details, but you may remember me mentioning I am divorced with an autistic daughter. Guess who came first, my child or my then-husband? It wasn’t even close!! Plus, if you choose to have a child, then the child comes first, period! I will move on before I start ranting even more.

    (But you’re right, Shaun meeting his parents did not disappoint!)

    Lol Claire seeking a therapist – “THANK GOD!” I totally agree! Also, Morgan definitely should have kept Claire’s business to herself (although Dr. Park did see Claire get slapped in the last episode) because Park is annoying past the point of being rude!

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