1. Since Blue’s biological father is basically a rapist and likely not from Louisiana, I doubt they go down that road. I certainly hope they don’t. One thing I’ve always loved about this show over its peers is the lack of “drama” just for drama’s sake. Let’s hope they stick to that.

  2. I do wonder though, considering how Queen Sugar has been a bit ahead of the curve, when it comes to social issues, how could they handle Blue’s biological father? Never mind splitting Blue off from everyone else? Because, it could be interesting to see Blue run into a kid at school who looks like him and it evolve into a reveal of who Blue’s father is. If not Blue stumbling upon Nova’s book (the most likely way things will blow up) and him trying to deal with what led to him being born.

    In my mind, I think a project on his family, and their story, could spark things.

  3. Great review Amari, this episode was like a breath of fresh air. No one was really sad, or crying (expect for HW and the tear being of happiness for RA and Darla lol) I’m happy for RA and Darla, they have come a long way. You remember how we felt way back in season 2 when RA and Darla first decided to get married we was not here for it lol. Bianca Lawson looked absolutely stunning this episode, very pretty. It was good to see her mom again. I too question where her dad was, I guess the actor who plays the dad wasn’t available. Loved the little race Charley and Ra had, loved to see Charley opening up a lot more, I could see the writers trying to get them back together lol Loved seeing my faves back together again Darla and Charley, the two sides of the same coin lol Still don’t give a damn about Nova, she is BEYOND annoying lol

    I’m glad that they acknowledged again that Blue isn’t RA’s bio son. It does make me question especially with the writers invoking GF’s death into the show along with the protests, and RA telling Blue that he is black, that the writers may write Blue’s bio dad coming onto the show in the future say season 6. I mean anything can happen, along with Darlene bringing up the option of Blue going to a private/boarding school out there in DC where she is at, I think that would bring some interesting storylines in the show, Blue was still very young when the Blue babygate situation in season 2 happened but he will be in his double digits by the time the show starts filming again for season 6 so I think he would be able to handle that as the young actor that he is. Along with Blue’s father being written as an assaulter him possibly trying to flip things and put it back on Darla like she was a fault/threw herself at him, or him trying to push off responsibility by saying he too was equally drunk/high just like her. Maybe him even wanting to try and have a relationship with him, we know RA ain’t going to stand for that lol Either way it is beyond time for Darla to start having good things happen to her, she has cried and paid enough pennants for her sins already.

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