1. Mr. Sali:

    Good recap. While I enjoyed this Good Behavior episode it was somewhat flat and didn’t seem to be able to focus on any one person or event. Your two points/questions are well taken and I too wondered why Javier didn’t just off him, but the we would not know if he killed Silk.

    Anyway thanks for your recap.

    Best: Nicholas Thimmesch

    1. Which brings to question, will he drag out some sort of torture against Teo for answers or will he be let go? Also, will there be a twist of Teo being some sort of informant?

      1. Javier does not seem to have the stomach for torture: he is probably the most humane hit man since Colin Farrell as Ray in Bruges or John Cusack in Gross Pointe Blank. And he does not kill for no specific reason: Teo is a horrible character who held a gun to a child’s head but did not kill him nor do we have reason to believe he would have: Teo was using Jacob as leverage to get Javier to do something, but we don’t know what. Teo could have just killed both Jacob and Javier if he wanted from the back seat: he didn’t and he is up to something else. Javier, as you said, could have killed Teo and left him in the motel for a reason too.

        Anyway: Good Behavior needs to do some flashback scenes of the lives of Letty & Javier to give us a better idea of other things that happened in their lives, besides just each other. Was Letty ever really in love before, was Javier? That would be an interesting episode.

        Thanks again for your blog: I hope to keep up with Good Behavior, pretty much the only show I get a chance to watch.

        Best: Nicholas

        1. I agree. I would love to see Letty and Estelle’s relationship and how her grandmother played a role in that. Then with Javier, I want to see how he ran Teo out of Ava’s life and how her relationship with Teo was. Just for some more background.

          Though with this show not being a 24 episode behemoth, I don’t know if they may dig too deep.

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