1. I wasn’t expecting this show to get as dark as it did this episode. It was an interesting contrast to episode 3 with the dragons. I agree this does feel slow paced but I’m kind of enjoying the gradual finding out about the characters and the world, though Chise really should ask Elias outright about why he picked her up as an apprentice and hold her ground for an answer.

    1. I doubt she will. At this point, with all the trauma she has been through, it seems like his reasons don’t matter. He has called her family, given her things her own blood relations wouldn’t, and he protects her. So whether a trophy, for amusement, or to rescue her, as long as she keeps getting the feelings she has been excluded from, it won’t be a pressing matter.

      I’m just sad the sorcerers were ran off so easily. They come in like bad asses yet Elías shooed them away and they left. Really killing off whatever threat they originally presented.

      1. That was a little disappointing (the sorcerers backing down way too quickly). It would be nice to see Elias actually do something kind of awesome instead of the show expecting us to assume he is because of the reactions of others.

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