Re:Creators: Season 1/ Episode 10 “We know exactly how you think and how you’re fighting” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
While Altair makes an appearance and there is a lot of action, something seems off. For even with another character’s life threatened, I find myself back to the complacency state of episode 4. The Useless One: Sota, Alicetaria, Meteora As many of the characters battle, Sota starts to feel a bit useless. Meteora is getting…
User Review
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While Altair makes an appearance and there is a lot of action, something seems off. For even with another character’s life threatened, I find myself back to the complacency state of episode 4.
The Useless One: Sota, Alicetaria, Meteora
As many of the characters battle, Sota starts to feel a bit useless. Meteora is getting her behind kicked and he is just supposed to sit on the sides and call for help? Nah. Instead, he decides to run into the heat of battle and try to convince Alicetaria that her story isn’t just entertainment to people. Something which doesn’t necessarily work but he is heard.
Alicetaria really is the only one keeping alive this distaste that her personal tragedies were entertainment for others. Which is kind of a problem for me in a way. All of the would be good guys have set aside all their issues with their creators to battle Altair. With that, so went one of the major interest of the show.
Something that hasn’t necessarily been replaced.
The Return of Altair: Altair, Aliceataria, Selesia, Matsubara
Sota’s attempts to calm down Alicetaria, perhaps get her to listen, are on deaf ears. For while his sentiment is kind, there remains the fact Mamika is dead. Much less, that Aliceataria is so lost and confused that she can’t even say if she fully believes that Meteora is the culprit anymore. But rather than drowning in indecision she decides to end Meteora instead.
Well, that is until Selesia shows up. With that, these two seemingly were going to have an epic lance vs. sword battle. However, Altair, using whatever powers she has, causes Selesia’s sword to disappear leading her to have a basketball sized hole in her abdomen. Something which, strangely, leaves Alicetaria stunned. As if she fights to spar, maim, maybe defeat, but not kill [note]Must be a knight thing[/note].
But it isn’t time to weep yet for Matsubara does something quite amazing. Something which was thought of to not be possible: He changes Selesia’s story. He posts on his Twitter the image Marine came up with and talks about crafting a story behind it. That goes viral and suddenly Selesia has a new outfit, is healed, and this flame sword.
Something that burns away Alicetaria’s armor but her dodge makes it so Selesia doesn’t finish the job. However, while she doesn’t end Alicetaria it seems this shift causes Altair to lose her physical manifestation a bit. The way she puts it, whatever pillar of the world she is trying to shake, it seems doing so repels her existence. So, with that, she calls on her team to retreat and after that, things turn back to normal. Meaning that hole in Selesia’s stomach returns and that new sword disappears. Thus leaving her state in critical condition.
If there is one thing I hate is teased deaths. It was one of the reasons, maybe more than a decade ago, I stopped watching DBZ and shows like it. When death isn’t treated as a real option, besides for the occasional emotional moment, battles lose meaning. Mamika’s death shook this show and made it where these battles had to mean something. These weren’t just fictional characters who were essentially immortal. Making their destruction of property the sole thing to worry about.
No, they were these superhero beings with actual vulnerabilities. Yet, I feel with the way Selesia is being handled that they are bending the rules. For while Mamika likely died of internal injuries, there is a gaping hole in Selesia’s abdomen? Why are people calling for doctors and getting her to a hospital?
Not to imply I don’t enjoy Selesia, but it wouldn’t be so terrible for Altair to have even upped the scales a bit.
That thought aside, we must take note of what Matsubara did. Thanks to a viral post, Selesia suddenly had a weapon, new armor, and was fully healed. Leading to the question: do viral posts by a creator change things and how can that be used in the future? Could that be what stops Altair? Sota, or someone else, changing something about her and it going viral?
But, alongside that, you have to wonder how long the effect is? Selesia, once the battle was over, lost her new look and abilities. So does that mean only as long as the new look is relevant, or thought as canon, it matters?
The End of Part 1?: Magane
Everyone’s favorite does play a role in the episode, but she sort of gets benched in favor of Altair. However, she still has a few noteworthy moments. One being taking Mirokuji’s curse, Hangaku, and making that her protector. The other thing being the announcement that this is the end of part 1.
I hope this wasn’t a lie. I’m so for some type of time leap or shift with this show. Such as a few episodes just focused on Sota and Shimazaki’s relationship. For while the reasons Altair has for hating humans are established, I think a focus on her creator would give her a better foundation. One which could help her face off against Magane who is a far superior villain for this show. Even without really doing much more than just talking.