1. I really wish I could watch this series. I’ve been reading the manga (which I almsot never do but I wanted to know what this story was about) and I’ve been really loving how the story is unfolding and just how differently this story approaches what feels lke it should be a fairly generic highschool bad-romance story and yet it feels so much more real. That was a terrible way to express it but I’m too tired to think of something better at the moment. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this series so far.

    1. Honestly, I’m starting to think I need to get into Manga myself. For it really makes little sense that I love watching anime, like to read, but own not one Manga.

      1. People have told me it makes no sense forever but it doesn’t change the fact that I find reading a manga fairly tedious and its very hard for me to connect with the characters.
        There isn’t the rich description that I enjoy when reading novels, and it isn’t as interesting or involving as an anime, plust I find that having to switch between the text and images just slows my reading pace right down and I find myself getting annoyed. I don’t think I’ll ever be a manga fan, but there’s a few stories I’ve missed out on because I didn’t read manga so I think the occasional one or two might be okay.

        1. I haven’t gotten into Manga for the same reason. While I don’t speed read, I think my pace would drastically be slowed down due to the medium focused more on art than storytelling. Not to imply the story wouldn’t be good but the only use for pictures to me would be to set the scene or to know how the author envisioned the character. Otherwise, I feel like it isn’t letting me craft the story enough in my own imagination to truly get lost and immersed. Though, the only thing close to a Manga I’ve ever read was the watchmen graphic novel.

          1. I’m terrible at getting to the bottom of a manga page and having no idea what happened because my eyes just darted over the text and skipped the pictures, forcing me to back track. I think if I read more I might overcome this but for the most part I’m happy enough sticking with anime and novels.

    2. What’s keeping you from watching the show? It’s easily accessible via torrent, so unless you are a particularly scrupulous and law-abiding person, install utorrent, go to tokyotosho.info and search for “kuzu”. Alternatively, if you have Amazon Prime, you can find it there, as well.

      1. You’d still have to pay $5 a month, even if you have prime. So with Karandi seemingly having Crunchyroll already, I doubt they are looking to pay for yet another service. Much less looking to not support the creators through the torrent method.

      2. Mostly scrupulous about access to anime now that most anime are accessible. Ten years ago, not so much because there weren’t options but now try to avoid that option. And no, getting Amazon Prime for the one or two series they get that I would like to see is not on my agenda.

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