1. It does seem odd to try to undermine someone who is making advancements that are helpful but then again, given the political structure and clearly job security only existing if you can win the king’s favour, it is no wonder that people within the kingdom are more concerned about internal rivals than external threats. I think the part of this episode I appreciated was that it became clear that not everyone of Ernesti’s ideas works out given the speed at which he is trying to advance the technology.

    1. I must admit I was happy about that too. Ernest finally failed at something and was too ambitious for his own good. Yet, I do wonder how rare they will make his failures? For with the way this show is narrated by what sounds like a history teacher, you know he is going to accomplish a great deal and be in history books. However, can we consider his life safe in the long run?

      1. Considering he was a programmer and not an engineer in his former life you would suspect there’d be a few more set backs. Somehow I don’t think building model robots really gives you perfect knowledge of how an actual robot powered by magic in a fantasy land should work.

        1. I guess with 12 to 13 episodes, they can’t allow him much of a learning curve. We just have to rely on him being considered a genius in his former life. Which seems to barely matter at all since no real references are made to it.

          1. I know, they made a big deal in the synopsis about him being reborn in a new world but it is almost as if that is inconsequential to the plot at this point.

            1. They really could have just saved half a episode and made him a child genius. It isn’t like his family doesn’t have money. Between connections and his education, it would of been believable for him to think and know what he does now.

              1. Completely agree. I keep thinking maybe we’ll get back to the whole reincarnation thing later in the story and then it would make sense, but the story doesn’t seem to be leading us that way so maybe it really was just a set up, which as you said was unnecessary and they could have saved themselves all that effort and time.

              2. I didn’t put it in the recap but I gotta ask, how do you feel about how the women are portrayed on this show? A part of me likes seeing that they are knights and are some of the top ones in the kingdom, yet I hate how we also see them fawn over Ernie alongside Helvi saying the dirty work was for the boys. It kind of gave me a two steps forward and one step back vibe.

              3. Absolutely. One minute the women are actualy assertive and getting into the disucssions and the fights and the next they are playing helpless or being protected or just fighting over who gets to hug Ernie. It isn’t terrible, and there’s certainly worse portrayals in this types of show, but it isn’t exactly great either.

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