1. I felt like Andi was a little harsh to Amber. She clearly wants to change but it may take some time to do so. I also find it interesting that it’s only AFTER her relationship with Jonah ended that she was nicer. And now it seems like Andi’s own mean streak is showing now that she’s dating Jonah. As for Bex and Bowie, they seem to be getting along a little too well. Could this be a sign that there may be some conflict ahead? Bowie was definitely hurt by Bex’ s rejection and they’re bound to address that at some point hopefully. Especially since them getting along could lead to Andi once again thinking they may reunite. Just figured I’d share some thoughts. Always enjoy reading your reviews!

    1. I honestly think all of what Buffy is saying is getting to Andi and making her just a little bit insecure. Plus, it’s her first relationship and it isn’t like it is Jonah’s first too. He dated a high school girl and who knows who else before that.

      But let’s be real, is Andi really being harsh when Amber had her trapped on a Ferris Wheel trying to force a confession out of her? Much less, ran once she heard cops?

      As for Bex and Bowie, it is so hard to tell if Bex’s ceremony with Andi may have given her the closure she needed to be with Bowie. But, from what it seems, it isn’t just a trust issue but also Bowie being consistent. Him being the kind of guy she needs when things aren’t all fun and games. Which he exhibited with showing up when Andi was taken by the cops. So, fingers crossed for them ^_^

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