1. How did Jeff get the glitter to the bedroom?
    Adam doesn’t mention he sees Jeff pull in and out again, while he is waiting.
    And when Jeff does come home he doesn’t go to the closet, since Adam is in there.

  2. We see Misty return from the woods (after Ben comes out to her) with blood all over her face/around her mouth. We also see adult Misty heavily imply she returned from the woods with cannibalistic impulses in her basement with the reporter (she appears to be about to reveal this when adult Nat shows up at her door to apologize at the end of the episode). So, while we don’t know for certain, we as the audience are supposed to assume she attacked and chomped on Ben in a fit of rage after he comes out. Could be a misdirect, though.

    Overall crazy episode but not that surprising in terms of the situation out in the woods – we knew something had to give eventually in terms of them reaching cannibalism/physical violence. Also not surprising to see Loti leading the charge.

    As for modern day, I can’t believe Adam got killed off. What an abrupt end for a character who apparently was meaningless. Frustrating in hindsight that the show spent so much time on him – it was kind of obvious that he hadn’t been the one to do the blackmail/that it was actually Jeff, but I assumed we were going to find out he was the younger brother of Travis or that he was stalking Shawna, something. It was nice to see Shauna and Jeff actually talk out their situation. Jeff is a very unique character, he scored a lot of points with me coming out in defense of Shauna/revealing to Jackie’s parents that he’d been cheating on her with Shauna when they were dating. Melanie Lynskey is an absolute gem in any case (go see I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore if you haven’t already).

    The problem/danger with this show, in my mind, is descending into Lost territory – giving the audience the impression there is some greater mystery and the writers basically deciding to figure it out later. And/or having lots of filler plot that ultimately ties itself up (see also: Breaking Bad).

    Final note – it’s hilarious that Van’s face healed so well, she looks like she got a few deep scratches, not half her face ripped open (you could see her entire jaw!). Would be way more fun and fitting if she looked monstrous (since she’s presumably going to become an antagonist/hardcore cannibal), as it is, it’s ridiculous that she feels so self-conscious about her face.

    1. I get what you mean with Misty. A part of me thought it was from the drink Mari made, but it could be that as well.

      AND I AGREE ON VAN’S FACE! Misty’s red cross babysitting classes sure as hell couldn’t have been so good her face would have minimal scarring and, at worse, she looks like a Chucky doll with better stitching. In my mind, she should probably not even be healed that much at this point. But I am constantly confused by how much time moves between episodes, never mind in an episode. Like, should we consider it exactly 25 years later when it comes to the past and present, so with it being around election time in the present day, we should see it as the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November?

      If so, there is NO WAY Van’s face could heal so dramatically since Halloween was just a few episodes ago in the present. at best, it has been a week and a half since she was attacked and makeshift bandages and stitching wouldn’t produce such a clean result.

    2. Misty’s mouth (looks like blood coming down from both corners) was from chugging the wine before the transition to the scene where they take off hunting for Jackie and Travis…

      Side note: I totally think Ty imagined the wolves and in reality just took off beating van with the ax in a sleep walking fit. Hence, why she tells her wife and son to leave before she hurts them.

      1. @Hooked we see the other girls fending off wolves when Van is attacked. Why would a sleepwalking Taissa attack Van? If she hit her in the head with an axe over and over again (as we see her doing to the wolf), Van wouldn’t have skin ripped off, she’d have brain damage and broken bones. So many reasons that theory is off the mark..

  3. I enjoyed your review and I am totally tired of watching this show because they are dragging it on without any suspense. But I am hoping to that they will have a grand finale. It it makes it to season 2 I will definitely not be watching it, though.

    1. The show has already been renewed, and honestly, a part of me wishes this was a miniseries since it would make the show tighter and likely pick up the pace.

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