The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Season 3, Episode 3 “Panty Pose” – Recap, Review (with Spoilers)

Miriam's name on a marquee.

Miriam finally hits the road, and the first stop is Vegas! A place where she sees her name in lights and is given a reality check before her first monetary one.

Miriam finally hits the road, and the first stop is Vegas! A place where she sees her name in lights and is given a reality check before her first monetary one.

Network Amazon Prime
Directed By Daniel Palladino
Written By Daniel Palladino
Air Date 12/6/2019
Introduced This Episode
Carole Liza Weil


Moving Day: Shirley, Moishe, Rose, Abe, Miriam, Joel

Despite Columbia kicking them out of the apartment soon, Abe and Rose still have not locked down where they will live next and bicker over what inconvenience they’ll have to deal with. However, the biggest issue they are having with his move is that it means they won’t be scheduled to spend time with their grandchildren. This, as you can imagine, is insulting, for everyone from Shirley and Moishe to Joel, and even Miriam’s brother and wife, they are on the schedule.

Yet, as insulting as not being put on the schedule is, it’s also part of Abe and Rose’s wakeup call. This ultimately leads them to decide on living with Moishe and Shirley in their new, quite large, home.

Rose and Abe heading to Moishe and Shirley's home.

Making The Best Of A Demanding Situation: Reggie, Susie, Sophie, Joel, Mei

Susie finds herself getting it from all sides. On the one hand, she has Reggie, who is sweet on Miriam but is consistently trying to squeeze his shoes up Susie’s behind until she is coughing up toenails. Then she also has Sophie who expects it all from Susie. That is despite Susie barely able to make much off of her since her contract is so locked up that only local commercials can lead to any money in Susie’s pocket.

But, while Susie is dealing with a steep learning curve, Joel is able to bring some of his past experience to making things a bit smoother with Mei. In fact, he shows some of the charm which won and kept Miriam to not necessarily woo Mei, but definitely make their conversations a bit friendlier.

If You Bomb Once, Get Your Ass Back Up There Again: Susie, Reggie, Miriam, Shy, Carole

Carole (Liza Weil) talking to Miriam about how hard it is to be a mom on the road.
Carole (Liza Weil)

Being that Miriam’s work has mostly been in the northeast, she hasn’t really been exposed to other regions and had to adapt her act beyond the male to female ratio. Hence why, when working in a completely different region, she bombs – hard.

Granted, part of the reason is because no one is coming for Miriam, they come for Shy, but that first show definitely puts a bad taste in Miriam’s mouth. Luckily, she does a smaller venue at the same hotel and kills them. All thanks to Susie pushing her to get to work on the locals – something you’d think she would have done in the first place, so that Miriam could get a vibe.

But, with bombing comes some sympathy and possibly a new friend in Carole. Someone who appears to be the only other white woman part of Shy’s gang who connects with Miriam. Though, between cooking for the crew, and having a rather good relationship with Shy, Miriam is finding herself quickly becoming one of the gang even if Shy isn’t there to say she is cool.

Other Noteworthy Facts, Moments, and Random Thoughts

  • Shy is 33 years old.



Carole and Miriam’s Potential Friendship

With us rarely ever seeing Imogene, and Susie probably needing to set boundaries, again, soon, it is nice Miriam may have made a friend who gets it. If not a mentor for with it being long clear there is no way in hell or heaven Sophie may take Miriam under her wing again, Miriam needs someone to look up to or talk things out about. So who better than someone who also has kids, is constantly on the road, and seems to be as girly as her?

Sophie Putting Susie On Notice

Sophie making herself clear with Susie
Sophie: And I’m phrasing these things as questions, but they are not.

The conflicts Susie, Sophie, and Miriam are going to have will be epic! All of which will have Susie in the middle, and while she is fond of conflict when she causes it, notice how she is when someone comes after her. She shuts down, and seeing her do that while this to strong characters are talking to her, it is going to be beautiful.

Low Point

Abe and Rose’s Moving Situation

Being that Moishe and Shirley are more annoying than funny, combining them with Abe and Rose seems like the worst combination imaginable.

On The Fence

Mei and Joel’s Burgeoning Relationship

All I want is for them not to date. I’m cool with us learning Asian culture, Chinese specifically, and about Mei. I just don’t want Joel charming her to the point of the two dating. Let’s not cheapen her.

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