1. “How did Lea find out where Dr. Glassman lived?” I find this show skips scenes where things are revealed. For example, we never saw Shaun tell Lea he had autism. But one day she knew. We never saw Shaun tell Dr. Glassman he had a friend named Lea who was his neighbor. But one day he knew. So Lea knowing where Dr. G lived was no surprise to me because of this.

    Speaking of Dr. G, I find his stubbornness annoying, too! He gave up sex, and most likely future sex, because he lost control (all because he wouldn’t use his walker). I understand why, but I don’t agree with how he is putting his pride first. It’s not like she cares, so he shouldn’t either. To me, the least interesting part of the episode by far!!

    I really enjoyed the two hospital cases, much more then usual! The way they were diagnosed the same (with “emotional intelligence”) but shouldn’t have been, how we learned something new about so many cast members, how Morgan seemed so human but so “Morgan” throughout the episode, and on and on. Really well done!!

    Saving the best for last – Shaun and Lea in their new apartment! For once I totally disagree with you. You say that Lea “definitely didn’t think this whole living with Shaun thing through.” But I don’t know how she could have anticipated just how bad/structured/strict Shaun is. He has a lot of idiosyncrasies, but she could not have seen or anticipated just how many he had. Also, my daughter is the same way, and I did not see this coming, so I don’t know how Lea could have. But kudos to the writers because I can totally see Shaun reacting this way!! This definitely was the best all-around episode this season!!!

    1. To me, I think she looked at how it was being a guest in Shaun’s house and thought that was the extent of what it would be like to live with him.

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