One Comment

  1. I too was left wondering if Drs. Lim and Andrews are going to become romantic in the future. And I too strongly hope not! You are so right when you wrote that (Asher aside) that is all the show knows how to do – take random characters and throw them together in a romantic relationship. Here’s hoping Dr. Lim and Dr. Andrews are the exception.

    As I watched this episode, one thought constantly going through my mind was the Morgan of Seasons 2 and 3 would just hate missing out on spleen surgery so she can instead survey high people to try to find out what they ate at a party. Yet this Morgan didn’t mind it too much. While one person might call this character growth, I call it character assassination!

    I got a kick out of how the slower Dr. Glassman moved, the more Shaun got upset because he wanted both of them to keep moving quickly. My daughter is the exact opposite. She moves slowly, and if I try to move her along or get her to move any faster, she gets upset and moves slower just to spite me!

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