1. I like Carly, too. I never thought of her being isolated from the other characters, but when she specifically told Claire to “butt out”, that contributed to her isolation. I can see why you feel like she won’t last, but I think the writers have invested in Carly and Shaun’s relationship and are in it for the long haul, or at least for the duration of all of Season 3. And because she is so important to Shaun, she is there more than “just because” like Dr. Melendez is.

    Because this is a procedural, I don’t take any note of the guest stars unless I have seen them in something else before this because I know they will not be back after one episode (except for Steve).

    As soon as Morgan reveals her diagnosis, I think everyone will be looking closer at her hands to see if they shake or if she has less mobility. Morgan is already starting to feel the pain from her R.A., but I don’t know how quickly it progresses.

  2. Neat “trick” with the three pictures of the two guest stars!

    I thought what Morgan did with Dr. Glassman was great! I thought her reasons for going to him were sound, and I agree with you that she has someone supporting her, who is the President of the Hospital no less, if her R.A. becomes a problem in the future. And I hope this means an actual story line for Morgan, too.

    I was surprised but impressed by Carly’s ability to say to Shaun enough’s enough when he gave up on the “therapy” after 8 seconds. I know she lost patience with him, but what else could she have done? How could she have helped Shaun when he kept saying “I don’t know” when she asked why he got off the bed after only 8 seconds? Happily, it ended well. On a different note, I hope Carly is “the One” for Shaun after all she has gone through with him!

    I enjoyed Claire and Dr. Melendez’s short scene, too. It’s a shame he is her superior. Those 2 work nicely together. Drs. Lim and Melendez on the other hand, not so much. So maybe its a good thing that she broke up with him at the end of the show. I wonder if Dr. Melendez will be bitter about it?

    1. I’m in this weird place of liking Carly, yet feeling she is so isolated from other characters that she may not last. If not, similar to Dr. Melendez, she may stick around but have such a weak connection to most characters that they seem to be around just because.

      And I’m trying to take note of the guest stars of shows more. It’s just, with procedurals like this, they usually are just fodder for a lead characters growth and don’t have their own specific impact.

      As for Morgan, I really do wonder if the reaction will be as bad as she is prepping for. I get she needs precision in order to work, especially considering where she is cutting, but would that eliminate her so early on in her career and her diagnosis? If not, as Shaun was last season, reassigned to a different department?

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