1. I’m with you, TGD had me emotional from episode one. There are quite a few shows I enjoy, however; I’ve never been more excited waiting for episode 2. After last night’s epi, I’m low key ‘in luv’ with Shaun. LOL Freddie Highmore is such a wonderful actor.

    I’m glad writers are keeping Steve’s memory alive through Shaun, as his back story unfolds. Steve loved, cared, supported, and believed in Shaun and those memories assisted Shaun and continue to assist him in moving forward to achieved his dream of being a Surgeon.

    I agree many before Jared has taken credit for Shaun ideas to advance their own careers. Shaun just wants to help people, so he’s yet to understand (pay attention) the concept of one being credited for their work; hence asking the question…what does it matter who gets the credit (paraphrasing).

    Nurse Fryday was worst than Neil (who I do not like) in her treatment of Shaun and though Neil is a first class jerk, I was happy he called her out on being an idiot. I also, took pleasure in Dr. Andrews calling Neil out in ‘support’ of Shaun remaining in the O.R.

    I was so happy Shaun diagnosis, and brilliant idea saved the life of the little girl, and woman. I believe with time Claire and Shaun will build a friendship (esp. after seeing previews for next week) and work as a team. At least that’s my hope. 🙂

    As for your question: how sheltered is Shaun that he doesn’t know the meaning of sarcasm? Agree he’s not a teen, however; I think it was deciphering the meaning and not about being sheltered.

    Lastly, I know Shaun was ordering a lot of test; some unnecessary. However, as I watched that scene; I thought to self – if more Doctors would be that thorough with their patients they would make less errors, and save more lives. Had he taken Neil’s word that the little girl’s tummy pains were due to arguments between her parents, she would have died.

    That’s All.

    Thank you for the recap.

    1. I think Nurse Fryday had understandable issues with the situation. A nurse’s job is dealing with the patients after the doctor diagnosed them and she makes it seem there is a real toxic doctor/nurse relationship at the hospital. So to be dumped with a new doctor because Neil doesn’t want to deal with him, I’d be a bit mad too.

      Though, in my mind, I think she was also trying to mold him in a way. Maybe taking the rare opportunity to try to craft a doctor who isn’t all about ego and making the big save but working as a team, not undermining the nurse, and knowing how to listen.

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