The First Lady: Season 1/ Episode 6 “shout out” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Michelle reminding Barack who he married

The different presidents are forced to remember who they married, as their wives take on unpopular, if not outright damaging causes or positions.

The different presidents are forced to remember who they married, as their wives take on unpopular, if not outright damaging causes or positions.

Aired (Showtime) 5/22/2022
Directed By Susanne Bier
Written By Nikole Beckwith, Alyson Deltes, Abby Ajayi
Introduced This Episode
Malia Lexi Underwood

This content contains pertinent spoilers.


Eleanor – Eleanor, Louis, Franklin, Hick

It’s a rather complicated time for Eleanor. Unfortunately, her old friend Louis died, the one who, at one point, envisioned her as the potential president. But, on a happier note, Eleanor and Hick are closer than ever, and while Franklin doesn’t necessarily give his blessing, he does commit to turning a blind eye. After all, it isn’t like he didn’t have an affair and knew Eleanor stuck by him by force rather than love.

But, to make it all the more sweeter, Franklin agrees with Eleanor to have Hick document the New Deal program across the country.

Betty – Betty, Nancy, Gerald, Rumsfeld, Cheney

Betty working on the Equal Rights Amendment with Nancy makes Rumsfeld and Cheney angry since it pushes the perception of the administration to the left. Which for them doesn’t work. They would rather be center-right or have the administration come off purely Republican. Yet, what can they do? Betty can’t be influenced, Nancy isn’t scared off, and Gerald? He will have no word from Rumsfeld or Cheney about his wife, and he takes a stern stance on that.

But, that doesn’t mean he and Betty are on the same page. While Gerald voted for the ERA while in congress, he is president now, and with a wave of anti-establishment and counter-culture revolutions happening, which threatens to split the Republican party, he can’t have his wife be part of that. This, of course, is upsetting, but she gets it. So while she was making progress, she shuts down her operation and takes a step back.

Michelle – Michelle, Barack, Malia

With the topic of same-sex marriage increasingly becoming a campaign issue, Barack worrying more about what southern and religious voters may think or do rather than the betterment of the entire country is causing issues. Naturally, the older Malia isn’t for her dad’s silence or dancing around the topic, and Michelle? She takes a public stance for gay marriage.

Malia (Lexi Underwood) when her dad comes out in support of gay marriage
Malia (Lexi Underwood)

However, it wasn’t until Michelle allegedly used Biden to force the issue that Barack was on board. With his VP coming out in support of it, Barack finds himself outnumbered at home and in his administration, thus leading to his support of gay marriage.

Things To Note

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Do you ever wish that there were specific moments when they cited what was true or noted when there was artistic license? As an optional overlay?

What Could Happen Next

  1. Betty: Her husband’s primary and defeat in the campaign
  2. Eleanor: Many knowing about Hick but keeping it hush-hush, while the events which will cause World War 2 begin
  3. Michelle: Considering how we were reminded of how Barack had to evolve on certain issues, maybe the show veering to more divisive topics during the Obama presidency? DACA, possibly being one of the programs?



Gerald’s Supporting His Wife When In Mixed Company

When it comes to both Barack and Franklin, we’ve seen them be cowards. Despite his wife’s support and brilliance, Franklin left her to tasks like decorating or doing whatever she wished, but that wasn’t central to his administration. When it comes to Barack, Rahm wasn’t someone he told off and said to stay out of his wife’s way and to leave her alone. He tried to broker peace, if not stay out of it.

Gerald though? While he and Betty may argue in private, you have never seen that man not support his wife. Heck, two of the biggest names in the Republican party, he basically told to stay in their lane and keep his wife’s name out of their mouths. Which is why Gerald and Betty remain the best couple of the three we see.

A Reminder Of Obama Not Always Being Lovable And Charming

Barack upset that Joe Biden came out in support of gay marriage
*Fully recognizing artistic liberties were taken with the show

It’s easy to forget, especially considering who was elected before and after Obama, that his flaws can’t all be covered up by charm. He was someone who had to “evolve” on same-sex marriage and leaned more towards civil unions. Also, there are drone strike issues, amongst many other things the show may or may not touch on. It depends on how much they want to show Michelle’s influence or helplessness regarding her place in the Whtie House.

On The Fence

Eleanor’s Storyline Continues To Descend

Eleanor's face

While Betty and Michelle are using their influence toward policy that benefits all Americans, Eleanor is worried about her lover and her affair. Now, don’t get us wrong, we get it. Of the three First Ladies, she is the only one in a marriage of convenience where it is sometimes questionable if she is even friends with her husband. However, it does seem Eleanor is still falling from the former grace she had earlier on, and it’s troubling to watch.

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Michelle reminding Barack who he married
The First Lady: Season 1/ Episode 6 “shout out” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
Gerald's Supporting His Wife When In Mixed Company
A Reminder Of Obama Not Always Being Lovable And Charming
Eleanor's Storyline Continues To Descend

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