Servant: Season 4/ Episode 1 “Pigeon” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Leanne after being attacked

“Servant” returns and establishes the Church of the Lesser Saints are ready to throw everything at Leanne. Oh, and Dorothy returns home from rehab.

“Servant” returns and establishes the Church of the Lesser Saints are ready to throw everything at Leanne. Oh, and Dorothy returns home from rehab.

Aired (Apple TV+) 1/13/2023
Episode Title Pigeon
Director(s) Dylan Holmes Williams
Writer(s) Henry Chaisson


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You Ruined A Good Day – Leanne

With Dorothy’s return imminent, Leanne wanted everything to be nice. She was baking Dorothy’s favorite cake and getting flowers out of the car, but then she was attacked. This attack lasted long enough for the cake to be burnt, and Leanne had to use the vase the flowers were in to buy some time. But surviving this attack was a reminder that, even without her friends camped in the park, who failed her when she needed them, she’ll survive.

Welcome Home – Leanne, Dorothy, Sean, Julian

Dorothy coming home, with sun glasseson
“Dorothy coming home, with sun glasses on,” Servant, “Pigeon,” directed by Dylan Holmes Williams, 2023, (Apple TV+)

Dorothy’s return home is without fanfare. She is in a sullen mood and refuses to greet Leanne and Sean? He wants to keep the peace, so he keeps Leanne from Dorothy. As for Julian? Nothing has changed. He is annoyed by everything, drinking, and doesn’t seem to have the capacity for the cold war Dorothy is hellbent on raging.

Things To Note

Question(s) Left Unanswered

  1. Considering the powers Leanne has long established herself to have, why was she hiding in a car for a notable part of the episode?

What Could Happen Next

  1. Leanne trying to win Dorothy over, even though Dorothy wants no part of her or the drama she brings to her doorstep



Feeling Like We Don’t Have To Wait Till The End Of The Season For Something Notable To Happen

For most of the seasons “Servant” has presented thus far, it has all been about building up to the finale when Leanne gets attacked, something happens to Jericho, or, in the case of the last season, something happening to Dorothy. But, with Leanne attacked in the first episode, it seems the long put-off war to get her to come home has finally arrived, and the final season may compensate for the inconsistent quality of past seasons.

Leanne after being attacked
Servant: Season 4/ Episode 1 “Pigeon” – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
With most of the episode focused on the initial attack of the Church of the Lesser Saints, "Servant" finally opens a season in a way that makes you excited for what's next instead of hoping for the season finale to have a good payoff.
Feeling Like We Don't Have To Wait Till The End Of The Season For Something Notable To Happen

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