Ready To Love: Season 2, Episode 8 “Ready To Retreat” – Recap, Review (with Spoilers)

Reva trying to push London to make concrete decisions.

While there isn’t an elimination this episode, it is becoming increasingly clear that there isn’t any real, 100% solid relationship right now.

While there isn’t an elimination this episode, it is becoming increasingly clear that there isn’t any real, 100% solid relationship right now.

Directed By N/A
Written By N/A
Air Date (OWN) 11/30/2019


The Ashima Situation: Ashima, Tondy, Darin

With Darin showing an interest in Tondy, and being honest about it, that rattles Ashima. Partly because she feels this is sudden, maybe even behind her back, but also because she has a serious fear of being played. Yet, increasingly, it seems clear Tondy isn’t necessarily going for Darin. She entertains him, yes, but we’re not seeing him giving Mario a run for his money.

However, as Ashima and Darin get towards the finish line, increasingly, Ashima is presenting red flags for Darin. Leading you to wonder, between the dogs, him having to work for her trust, and more, will this create the kind of obstacles that will keep them from being in the finale three? If not, to put this scenario out there, maybe the show not ending with three couples in the end?

The Mario Love Triangle: Reva, Mario, Tondy

Being that Reva and Tondy know each other, it makes their mutual liking of Mario all the more complicated. But, add in Reva saying Tondy is an associate and not a friend, and it makes things a tad bit worse. Only for a moment, mind you, since Reva wasn’t that invested and while Tondy gets in her feelings, knowing where she stands gives her clarity. So, after a quick chat with Mario, who continues to show himself as someone who is more compatible with Tondy’s emotions than Reva’s, she finishes processing.

But, even with that said, Mario is still chasing someone who he repeatedly says makes him work for a relationship. On top of that, she blamed, for a lack of a better term, him for all their problems. Ultimately bringing them to a point where Reva outright tells Mario that Tondy is the better choice for him.

Alexis & London – People With Options: London, Alexis, Devyne, Brent

Being that Alexis and London have two suitors each, it once complicated things. However, with Brent letting Devyne know he is all in with Alexis and her receiving that, it puts London and Devyne in a weird place. For Devyne, now she is dealing with, gracefully, being told one man isn’t an option while the other, he still can’t make a choice and gets mad when he sees Alexis slipping away.

And as this happens, it seems he wants to interject a burgeoning relationship and being that most of the guys haven’t had the conflicts the women have had, passively or actively, this is new for both. Yet, considering no one is pressing Alexis as she has some of the guys, what do you expect?

Collected Quote(s) or .Gifs

Tondy reacting to Ashima and Darin's drama.



The Conversations That Usually Happen With Tommy, They Are Finally Being Said To The Person

As said before, to watch Black Love and then watch Ready To Love is an experience I recommend doing to understand why this show is naturally flawed. Primarily in terms of the two things which consistently are noted as requirements: Commitment and communication. Both of which are infrequent on this show either due to indecision or not wanting to hurt a person’s feelings.

Yet, increasingly, there is the request, demand for some, of accountability. Either in the form of words matching actions or actions being more prominent. For while Brent and Darin are pretty straight up, having the communication but not commitment is why Ashima is trying to correct what is going on here. But, as seen when Brent was straight up with Devyne, while he couldn’t commit to her romantically, he at least was committed to their friendship, if not maintaining their sense of respect for one another.

Which perhaps is the big issue. While they may respect each other as people, when it comes to their feelings? That isn’t really the case. But what makes it worse is they are called out on this and, to be fair, with the competition element, and time constraints, it forces people to think they need to make snap decisions after a couple of weeks. Which, outside of a show like this, they wouldn’t have to make.

So, as much as you may want to side-eye or damn someone, let’s be real for a moment: The pressure of time, the competition, and cameras, makes it so any decision isn’t an easy one. For just like some, such as Ashima, don’t want to be played by someone, they also don’t want, especially in the social media age, for that to be played out in rotation, used for memes and .gifs, and hitting their mentions and DMs on a regular basis.

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The Conversations That Usually Happen With Tommy, They Are Finally Being Said To The Person - 85%


Trajectory – Plateau: Ready To Love is the kind of show that is a work in progress that, if you compare season 1 and 2, is still working the formula and trying to see what could lead to genuine connections. Which is hard since you’re dealing with people in their 30s and beyond who are not only sure of themselves but have baggage. But, thankfully, that baggage is finally being unpacked.

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