Ready To Love: Make A Move: Season 1/ Episode 6 “A Big Easy Birthday” – Episode Recap/ Review


As it becomes a serious question worth asking, if the numbers game will lead to the same problem the ladies had before, the ladies continue to be entertained but maybe not find “The One.”

General Information

This section Includes information about the Director, Writer, and Cast.



Release Date

November 17, 2023





Newly Noted Characters and Cast









Previously Noted Characters and Cast























Plot Recap

It’s Hard To Say Goodbye My Love – Verneashia, Jabari, Tabari, Cantrelle

Verneashia decides, because their lifestyles aren’t in alignment, to let Jabari go and keep Tabari. This leads to the introduction of Cantrelle, who likely isn’t going to work. He is a high school social worker and assistant basketball coach with two kids. Which, for the community, is great, but he is also a 9 to 5 type, and that may not work – especially considering his income limitations.

But, what doesn’t help is that Cantrelle is sweating bullets during Zadia’s birthday party like he has a hard time socializing and is often on Zerneashia’s hip rather than mingling. On the other hand, Tabari can work a room and still make Verneashia feel like her presence is the one he values most.

They Start Off So Well – Shareese, Keith, Mizell, Danzie

With Keith being a homebody, you know that wasn’t going to work. But, in her date with Danzie, originally, she thought she’d be in for a tough decision. He likes to travel and works in pharmaceutical sales for rare diseases, so you know his finances should be right, and there are no notes in terms of how he dresses.

However, then he gets sloppily drunk at Zadia’s party, and that makes things easy for Mizell to move in without having to do much beyond be himself.

Don’t Make This Easy For Me – Ashlee, Zadia, Donald, Cameron, Kirston, Darius, Kenneth

Ashlee and Zadia find themselves in an unfortunate situation. For Ashlee, Kirston ends up being kept, but he drops the ball by not showing up at Zadia’s birthday party, and honestly, when it comes to her blind dates, it seems she is still over-correcting for past mistakes and doesn’t even invite Kenneth to join. Once she heard his last relationship was ten years ago, and he had nothing but situationships since then? It was a no for her.

But, while Kirston didn’t show up, Donald did, and while Ashlee’s insecurities were addressed, it seems one conversation may not be enough.

As for Zadia? She is pretty much over these blind dates, and even though Darius is a nice guy, 31, a photographer, and all that, she isn’t interested. At least, Zadia wasn’t until Cameron didn’t show up for her party and made her question their relationship. For Kamil did wonder how he would balance his professional ambitions with a relationship, and damn if she didn’t pop the bubble and make Zadia deal with something she’d hope would never be addressed.

New Character Description(s)


“Darius,” Ready To Love: Make A Move | Season 1/ Episode 6 “A Big Easy Birthday” | 2023 | OWN

Darius is a 31-year-old photographer who, in Zadia’s mind, is a duplicate of Cameron.


“Danzie,” Ready To Love: Make A Move | Season 1/ Episode 6 “A Big Easy Birthday” | 2023 | OWN

Danzie is a 44-year-old pharmaceutical rep who focuses on selling drugs that treat rare diseases.


“Kenneth,” Ready To Love: Make A Move | Season 1/ Episode 6 “A Big Easy Birthday” | 2023 | OWN

Kenneth is a 35-year-old high school principal who hasn’t been in a serious relationship in ten years but has been in situationships during that gap. He wants one or two kids but isn’t in a rush for them.


“Cantrelle,” Ready To Love: Make A Move | Season 1/ Episode 6 “A Big Easy Birthday” | 2023 | OWN

Cantrelle is a 39-year-old high school social worker from New Orleans with two kids and is an assistant basketball coach. He has been single as long as he has because he has a good example of what marriage is, and won’t settle with anything less.

Discussion Items

Let us know your thoughts in the comments:

  1. Would you consider ten years of situationships baggage?
  2. Is anyone else curious why so many people working in high schools are on this show? Never mind, do any of these men know each other?



Addressing Ashlee’s Insecurities

There is no denying that Ashlee comparing herself to others, especially Zadia, and always on the hunt for a flaw or red flag has gotten in the way of her finding someone worth her time. Mind you, it’s understandable why she is cautious, considering her relationship history. But, it does stink because you can see that, at the start of every date she is excited and open, but all it takes is one thing she doesn’t like, and it seems, similar to Shareese, she closes herself off.

I’m not saying that Ashlee should just accept anyone, but I think there is a need to understand people have lived lives, and if it wasn’t for the often used term “Baggage,” they wouldn’t probably be half as attractive as they are. For in that baggage is all the lessons, mistakes, and experience they would need to become a good partner.

On The Fence

Donald’s Return

Considering in past seasons of the mainline show, we learned people stayed connected or found each other off-camera during the reunion, I appreciate us being aware Donald never truly exited Ashlee’s orbit. Though, I have to admit, with him still in the game, even able to come back on camera, it does lessen the impact of his elimination, or anyone else’s.

Granted, we figured there is likely going to be a second chance given, considering the ladies sometimes seem excited but overwhelmed by someone new every week. However, when you take note of what the men can be eliminated for and how their dismissal pushes an almost swipe culture form of dating, again, we’re put in a position where the franchise seems terribly named since love might be a very lofty goal. Never mind love so notable that it would make these ladies move states away from their friends and family for a man they barely know.

Episode Directory

Previous Episode: Season 1/ Episode 5 “Blast From The Past” (Series Page | Character Guide)

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Ready To Love: Make A Move: Season 1/ Episode 6 “A Big Easy Birthday” – Episode Review


In an Instagram post, I saw somewhere, there was a note that you don’t find the one but learn to accept someone. That the idea of love at first sight, soul mates, is all very romantic, and there should be romance between you and your partner. However, many take the practicality out of it, and I see that with this franchise. Between having too many options and always being ready to cut someone off because of what is taken as a slight, how can you cultivate love when there is barely any grace? Where your past lessons are baggage that makes you almost instantly undesirable? Not that I wish for any of the ladies or men to waste their time, but it seems there isn’t enough time for something real to be found here for the majority.

  • Addressing Ashlee’s Insecurities - 83%
  • Donald’s Return - 77%
User Review
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  • Addressing Ashlee’s Insecurities


  • Donald’s Return

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