1. 3. This is why I hope Darla’s dad is involved. Considering this is his daughter, and how that could affect him, I fully expect him to flip out. Hopefully not on Darla but Nova since, after three seasons of not really being in the forefront, she kicked the door in.

  2. Great analysis. I agree with everything you said.

    1. Nova’s accent was weird. At first I thought I was hearing things, I was like why is she talking like that lol. Fake ass accent lol
    2. Nova’s book is cruel. It is one thing to write a book about your family, and things you all have been through, but to be so cruel and nasty about it, I can’t. Nova is a real piece of work. Family my ass.
    3. Nova is a real asshole for putting Darla in her book. That absolutely 100% crosses the line. That is Darla’s story, and Darla’s past, who is Nova to put all of Darla’s skeleton’s out there like that! Also considering how the B family treated Darla throughout the whole show, they made it clear that she isn’t family, so why is Darla in the book. BL said in that interview that Darla uses her voice, and pretty much gets buck during season 4, so it wouldn’t surprise me if Darla goes off on Nova’s dumb-ass, the straight disrespect of it all. It would be even worse if Nova wrote all of Darla’s stuff during the time that her and the new guy were just starting to get together, I get how the B family isn’t close to her so they wouldn’t know that Darla is seeing someone new, but just the fact that Nova felt that she could put all of Darla’s skeletons out there is disgusting. Hell I would even go further and say that Darla, hell the whole B family could sue Nova’s ass. If you don’t give consent or sign off on someone telling your story, then you can absolutely sue, and Darla has every right too. I swear if Nova’s book ends up ruining Darla’s relationship i’m gonna be mad as hell lol Darla probably felt like she was in a good place, with a good guy, why ruin it and plague the guy with the sins of her past, so she probably didn’t tell him about her past, Nova’s book is probably going to bring all of that to the forefront. It’s probably the reason why Darla and RA are embracing each other.
    4.YES!!! Nova F’d up BIG time. What she has done is so low I can’t even believe it. But yes when your own sister betray’s you, I think that Charley coming into contact with Davis and his daughter, probably isn’t the biggest thing on her mind at the moment. Also who knows how Charley’s new boo is going to react to the book also. Nova is really out here, damaging relationships.
    5.Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense. Nova came face to face with Charley’s mother. She heard the story of how Charley came to be, yet she still decides to stick with the same narrative…make it make sense. Is it to add more flavor to her book? because last season it made it seem like Nova understood that Charley’s mother didn’t act selfishly when it came to Ernest, now Nova maybe throwing shade, and hateful words/statements to not only to Charley’s mother but to Charley herself. I don’t get it.
    5.A A part of me feels like Aunt Vi and Charley should have some type of beef because of how Aunt Vi portrayed and talked about Charley’s mother to Nova and RA all throughout their childhood, but the anger maybe so deep, that Aunt Vi, and Charley may just direct their anger towards Nova.
    6.Yes. I have to say I really am intrigued to see what this story line is about. It may not give a definite answer on why Nova is the way that she is, but it make gives a bit of an understanding. Also we are in season 4, yet there is still so much that we don’t know about Ernest. Things that we thought we know turned out to be not true, or that they weren’t told honestly. Like how Charley didn’t even have a room when she would come to visit Ernest during the summer, or how Ernest and Charley’s mom relationship really was like. So who knows what little Nova saw, she looked shocked, and like she was backing away, so who knows what it could be.
    7. Lastly, I agree we may get 2 or 3 episodes of the B family having good times, before Nova’s book comes out. That’s how it goes with QS a few moments of happiness every now and then.

  3. 1: Nova’s accent during the interview is phony as hell.
    2. Nova’s book sounds bias as all hell, and also the cruelest way to present everyone in her life
    3. Darla is definitely in that book, and it seems likely we will do a time jump to when the book is being released so I see a few weeks to months since the finale. Also, I definitely believe the guy she is with she either met at work or is a family friend who doesn’t know her past. Pushing the idea she probably didn’t know how to bring it up so she just didn’t.
    4. She got people so mad that RA is embracing Darla and Charlie is in the same room with her ex-husband, and his kid, without flipping out so YOU KNOW it’s bad.
    5. Clearly Nova is keeping with her former perspective on Charlie and her mother, when it comes to the book, and not mentioning her evolved opinion.
    5a. Making you wonder if Charlie and Aunt Vi may have beef or if all will be directed towards Nova…
    6. Something happened to Nova as a child. I don’t know if she was molested, witnessed her dad do something bad, or what, but something haunts her. That little girl only resembles her and with Aunt Vi noting Ernest wouldn’t let Nova out of his sight, you know something happened – I bet it has to deal with David Alan Grier too – unless that dude has to deal with her ex-husband.
    7. I don’t think Nova’s book is really going to circulate amongst the family until maybe episode 3 or so, since we see good times between them.

  4. Yeah. we have seen the continued growth but always more so on the side of “does RA love me anymore”, and “does the B family FINALLY except me”, along with the continued love that Blue gives her, now it seems like things may be just about her and her personal life.

    I hope that we do see the courting between her and the new guy, just to see Darla in that new type of space you know, everything that comes with two people and the beginning of a new relationship. But knowing QS we may see the two of them already in a relationship or already sparking up a friendship with each other, although if we are dropped in with the two of them already being together for a certain amount of months that would kind of suck, because we wouldn’t have been able to see the staring connection with the two of them, although considering that by the time we get back Nova is done with her book. So, we will see, I just (like always) hope that Darla gets a bit a of a break this season.

  5. I lowkey feel like she confirmed we’ll see some of the same with her, but some growth. I’m just wondering if they are going to show her being courted by this new dude or will we be dropped weeks, if not months, into it?

  6. Here is a new, great article from BL about Darla during season 4. She’s doesn’t give anything away but she talks about Darla’s continued growth. I don’t want to get too excited because we all know that at the end of the day Queen Sugar is still Queen Sugar (which again does show real trials and tribulations) but i’m just preparing myself to not get too excited. The happiness may not last to long when it comes to Darla and QS lol

    Check out the article and then give me your thoughts.


    Also check out my last comment as well.

  7. Yeah. It would be nice to see her father again, seeing them trying to get back to a more stable and forgiving place would be great. I think having the guy be someone who came from a place that she was once from would kind of be like her picking up and finishing where she first started out at. Like when she was off at college studying in whatever major she was.

    But yes it would be nice for Darla to have bit of a Disney princess experience lol I don’t know how he looks from the front, but from those two pictures it is clear that Darla digs him lol. I really hope Darla is able to enjoy herself with this new dude, Considering RA has done, and had a few women himself, along with Nova and Charlie and their fair share of men and women on the show lol

  8. I think it depends how dramatic they want to get. If they want her to be able to be happy about something, AA would be the best place. Maybe even as presenting him as a sponsor who got emotionally invested. However, my take is it will be someone who is in her father’s circle since her dad disappeared and I think this season needs to equal the playing field. We saw a lot of her mom in season 3 but the dad disappeared. So I’d love for her to spend time with him and this guy comes around. Someone who is the prince of her dreams and she gets a sort of Disney princess experience. One which, yes, has a dark past, but a bright future.

  9. Oh God, I can’t even begin to think about what added layers this would bring to Darla and RA when it comes to Blue asking about who his bio dad could be. Along with the fact that Blue’s bio dad isn’t necessarily a good person, considering the way in which Blue was conceived wasn’t based on two people consenting, and the bio dad basically took something away from Darla when she was clearly drunk/high.

    Like that alone is a whole other situation, Blue realizing that RA ins’t his bio dad, along with the fact that his bio dad is a bad person, or at least the thing that he did 8/9 years ago to his mother, was a bad thing. I just hope that this new guy can handle everything that may go down when it comes to Darla and her personal life. Again she has a child, and an ex-boyfriend, and she is a recovering addict, that is a lot for one person to handle. RA couldn’t really handle any of what Darla was going through and he has known her for a good couple of years, but then again, RA being logical, and emphatic about the things that Darla has gone through were always far and between, so we are just going to have to wait and see.

    Where do you think she may meet this new guy? Her Drug/Alcohol recovery meetings, at her job, or maybe even a guy working with RA on the farm?


  10. I mean, considering this is the sole thing she works on, I must admit I wonder if she is just not trying to grind as much as she used to? But, I gotta admit, the book is definitely making it seem Queen Sugar can be the kind of show to go the distance since the fallout could last the whole season and recovery could take the second half and maybe spill into the following season.

    As for Darla, on top of liking the idea of a love interest, I gotta admit a part of me also wonders if Blue may push the point of learning who his biological dad is. That, in itself, would add a whole other layer that I’m not sure I’m ready for. Yet, I think they have been increasingly pushing Ethan to have a more mature role on the show while giving him something appropriate for a child.

  11. I agree. I hope that Darla and RA are able to have better footing around each other, and that they are able to talk to Blue about the issues and questions that he may have. Also we know that Blue had to deal with bullies and kids making fun of him before, remember last season Blue was acting out and fighting because Darla had left.

    But I am really excited to see who this new guy is. We talked plenty of times about how we would like for Darla to go back to school, to get a new job, and to have her own place, its nice that we get to see Darla having all of those things and along with the possibly of her getting a new love interest as well.

    Sadly the book may add even more nervousness, and hesitation from Darla though. She already has to deal with her past, she has to deal with the rape that happened to her, along with having a child, and then being a recovering addict and having an ex-boyfriend, now the possibility of that book coming out could cause Darla even more stress as to whether or not she should even try to open herself up to someone new.

    You’re also right in that this would make a new and exciting story-line just in general. Women and men who have had pasts like Darla have tried for years to make amends with their family and friends and to just stay sober that the actual idea of starting a real relationship with someone can be a whole other mountain for them to climb. I can only hope that the writers give Darla a break when it comes to this new guy, but who knows lol

    Although, a part of me wonders if BL is ever going to be able to cry again after this show ends because, geez they have this girl breaking down and in tears every season lol


  12. In general, I think this season, with what Noah did, is going to be about people facing the past. Darla will have to fully own what she did, as will Ralph Angel, but this time Blue is going to be aware and possibly torn about the truth. A truth which maybe Darla and RA explain together because, let’s face it, the possibility of his peers making fun of him for it is high.

    And when it comes to the Darla pictures, more than likely that book is just going to come out when she thinks her life is in full recovery – beyond her addiction, working, and having a home – but also having a personal, romantic life. Which hopefully might address the issues women like Darla face when it comes to bouncing back romantically after the past she had.

    As for the others? With that book out, maybe it means we may see Erika Alexander as Hollywood’s ex again? Also, I’d love for Micah to grow close to Davis’ new daughter since, before, he had a cute relationship with Blue and it seemed, to a point, he may want a younger sibling.

  13. I guess. It still doesn’t make it right.

    In one of the pictures it looks like RA maybe comforting Darla, I wonder if it is because of Nova’s book. If Nova wrote about Darla than that is trash. she had not right to leak all of Darla’s skeleton’s out like that. Or it could be because of that new guy that we see Darla with.

    Either way Darla (As usual) is going through it. Again why can’t the writers ever let D be happy.

    What are your thoughts on the photos I posted. What do you think they could mean.

  14. A part of me thinks she did. The book, to me, is supposed to be a cleanse for her and the family. One which brings light to all the old secrets and forces the family to confront them and inspire other families to bring the past to light.

  15. Right, it makes sense now that they would show the younger versions of the B family in order to get more context to Nova’s book.

    Nova really is a piece of work, she really couldn’t have sat down somewhere and ate her food. She got bored and decided to write a tell all, tea spilling book about her siblings! I bet she didn’t spill her own tea about how she was sleeping with a married police officer, or how she stole thousands of dollars from her sister either. But hey, who knows.

  16. YES!!!! Or maybe it is a fallout from the guy she is with. But I one thing….it better not be because she relapsed! I know that we are going on 4 seasons now, but the anxiety of the writes having Darla relapse still lingers in the back of my mind, especially since the blue baby gate story line.

    Although we never had flashbacks before, so it makes me wonder if they are going to start now, but with Darla’s story-line lol

    We can literally have a whole conversation about theories on what these pictures can mean, and the context of them.

  17. If you don’t want to be spoiled then don’t look lol (Even though we have know real context for these pictures, along with the fact that we don’t have a trailer yet lol)

    Hey Amari, I know we haven’t talked in a while, but season 4 of QS comes out on June 12, but I saw a couple of still of our girl Darla, I think they were taken from the season 4 trailer. There were other pics with Davis, his daughter, Blue, Aunt Vi, and RA (crying and yelling as usual lol) I am kind of shook. Looks like Darla is in distress (again), but it looks like she maybe getting a little close with some guy…..










    Whatever these pictures mean, it’s clear that Darla ain’t never going to have peace.

    Let me know if you are able to see them or not.

    1. I CAN! And I am hoping/ thinking it’s a flashback for Darla. With her moving on, I think they are going to show her at her worst. Just to keep the balance.

      I’m worried what that book may do to Blue though since it isn’t clear how much Nova may have said about his parents.

  18. Hey Amari check this out.

    BL talking about her most iconic roles. I was shocked with how emotional she got. Like I always knew B was an introvert and more shy, she talks about it in different interviews. But I didn’t know that she was this much of a crybaby lol. Also this just proves once again how slept on BL is. Whoever her manger is needs to step it up. Our girl needs some new roles outside of QS if her schedule will let her. Anyway I really enjoyed hearing her take on some of her characters. I personally really liked Nicki and Dawson together and wouldn’t have minded if Nicki stayed on the show longer, even if I am a Dawson and Joey fan lol

    Also thay green outfit that B was wearing in that Saved By the Bell clip was everything lol

    1. A part of me feels, with Darla, they decided to spend this season to let the dust settle and have her make just enough moves to setup her future. Rather than really go full speed as they did in the past and have her actively compete with the leads for prominence.

      1. Hey Amari, sorry for the late response. I agree they definitely pumped the breaks on Darla and they let the poor girl breath for a bit. I loved that we got a couple of things that we predicted before the season started. Like Darla going back to school, having a place of her own, having a new car, and somewhat having a decent, more accepting relationship with her parents again. How back on track the three of them really are is still questionable though. Condersing papa Sutton was in one episode and then bounced, and mama Sutton came back only to push herself into a situation that wasn’t about her, which could have caused an even bigger rif between RA and Darla, thankfully everything worked out. I hope we see them again as some point next season. Your thoughts?

        1. I think, at this point, Darla and her mom have truly healed their relationship. Hence her going to bat for her so hard. However, I think her father is a bit more cautious about thinking his daughter is fine and dandy so he still is keeping his distance a bit. Trying to see if it truly sticks this time before he truly believes he has his daughter back. After all, he knows her mom struggles, but that’s with alcohol. Darla was into drugs and he might even know about her doing sex work.

          So, in my mind, I think the main reason he was barely featured was because, well he works, and what I said above.

  19. Yeah, Nova’s book is going to bite her in the ass. She won’t talk or open up to any of her family members but she will write a whole book…disgusting.

    Aunt Vi is another one. Some many things Aunt Vi does just gets swept under the rug. Pretty much trying to break up a marriage, and treat her niece’s mother like trash, all because what…she doesn’t like the fact that her brother got with a white woman, even though the woman that he was with previously didn’t want him. Again, disgusting. Treating your baby boy (Blue) mother’s like trash, and like she ain’t shit, yet proudly, taking money from that girls mother, for YEARS!?!?!? Aunt Vi is foul. All her crying that she does every episode because Hollywood is younger than her is getting annoying, like seriously. Also the Lupus story line is not interesting at all. There is only so many episodes, I can watch with Aunt Vi and her pies. Like that scene where the B family goes to the store to see Vi’s pies, and there like in the back of the counter space or whatever, it was soooooo melodramatic, like wow, I laughed at that part honestly. Like I get it, Aunt Vi is an older character so there is only so much they can do with her character, but, yeah her and Nova are not my faves. Your thoughts? Who’s next? ( RA or Darla)

    1. I feel like, with Aunt Vi, they are trying to show that she isn’t limited by her age. Also, they want to show a life lived which holds a lot of mistakes, bias, accidents, and her being at the point where she isn’t apologetic about it. While annoying while watching, after separated from the show for a few weeks, I’ve learned to appreciate it. Because we just don’t get a huge amount of older characters who get to be more than a mom, aunt, or family friend. Especially with a full-on storyline rather than being some kind of accessory the way kids often are. That’s sort of the thing I am learning to like about Nova. While growth is important, not everyone grows at the same rate and gets better with age. Nova is still messy as hell but seems more firm about it. Which does bite her in the ass but that’s what makes her real.

      Let’s save Darla for last. How about RA? I’m hoping him and Thinh (I believe that’s her name) become a thing. If we are going to get some interracial romance, I want something beyond white/Black.

      1. I guess, but it still really makes me mad, knowing that her actions, her unapologetic attitude came at the cost, of a girl and her relationship with her father, how two sisters would go on to interact with each other, and the lies that were place onto a woman, who just fell in love with a man, and had a child with. Like that is some other unworldly actions, in my opinion.

        Oh RA. I honestly don’t know where to begin. I don’t about RA and Thinh, like I guess they could work it out, but who knows. I mean I’m all down for interracial couples as well, but those two….IDK I guess, I just need to see more of them. But again, I would like for RA to be single just for a bit. Also what happened to those classes he was taken? It was like one episode of him in a classroom (face all angry and twisted), a scene of him with a book in his hand, than nothing. Like I can’t.

        I know that we tend to differ on certain things when it comes to RA, and I tend to be more critical of him, but like he can be very frustrating for me. Like he is going to be, or at least has to be 30 by now, I feel like the kid gloves have to taken off of him at some point. Like I know the baby blue bombshell was hard for him, but just let’s his ignorance, ego, and pride blind him so much. They overtake him 99% of the time. Like in season 2, that gas station scene with that guy, and “Star”. RA being so caught up in his own feelings, he could’t see how sad, and hurt Darla was. Or when he didn’t want Darla to go to work, during the whole letter gate situation during season 2. SELFISH. Again, I know that he is, like you said a bit better with Blue in terms of that, but we all have seen how quick RA would turn to the bottle if he got upset about something, or someone said something that he didn’t like. (Like for all of the talk of Darla and her addiction, I recall seeing a beer in RA’s hand on many occasions, along with us seeing him flat out drunk. All of which were because someone either said something he didn’t like, or they didn’t do what he wanted.) And, I honestly can’t agree, with treating the mother of your child like shit, then turn around and try to keep the child at arms length from her. Again, season 1 was warranted. But Darla, has been clean for 3 years, basically these full 3 seasons. Like RA keeps saying Blue ain’t ready to be with Darla full time, over and over again, and it’s like know YOUR not ready to let him go. Again, I get it but it still irks. Especially, knowing the full extent of how Blue was conceived in the first place. But like usual Darla was cut off by RA, and not able to tell him what really happened. Like there are great father, son moments between Blue and RA, and I know that there are tons of “RA’s” out there in real life, still doesn’t mean that we can’t be critical of his actions and behavior. I want to see REAL growth from him in all aspects, away from Blue. School, the farm, being a better brother, and perpetually down the line, a decent boyfriend. Where he isn’t so stuck on himself, in terms of how not being able to see the hurt and pain that other people maybe going through, just like he is.

        Your thoughts? Who’s next?

        1. With RA it is a damned if you do and damned if you don’t situation, in terms of dating. If he is single, he is going to be a ho. If he is with someone, I sadly feel like that would be one of the main things to encourage him to grow. To me, RA is the kind of dude who needs a carrot dangling in front of him to do right. Otherwise, he will be stuck in his ways and think it is appropriate. Especially since, while he does get called out by Nova from time to time, he has been enabled so long he thinks he can do as he sees fit.

          In terms of his relationship with Darla, I think they are going to have a long period of struggling to work things out because their foundation is whack. However, in order to fix it, he has to talk to his family about not disrespecting her (Darla) and be firm about it.

          And I think we did get some growth out of him in the form of him interacting with the guys in prison. Maybe setting up the farm to be a potential job when people get out. It may not be much, but it is something.

          1. Nice post I agree. Although, I will say I don’t think that things have to be so black and white when it comes to RA. Like dude, just because you are single it doesn’t mean that you have to be a ho and give your D to every thirsty girl that makes eye contact with you. That is really my only issue like the guy is incapable of being single. His whole relationship and almost marriage was not even done for a full week yet and he was already getting drunk and giving it away you know. Although I will say he has grown a bit. But it’s like you said, he’s been enabled and coddled for so long he doesn’t know any different. That’s why see moments of him acting immature or throwing a tantrum.

            “In terms of his relationship with Darla, I think they are going to have a long period of struggling to work things out because their foundation is whack. However, in order to fix it, he has to talk to his family about not disrespecting her (Darla) and be firm about it.”
            -YES TO ALL OF THIS!!! . We will be going into season 4 now, I’m sorry but the disrespect has got to stop honestly. Blue love his mama, she’s been clean for 3 years now going on 4, she ain’t the same person she once was, the girl should be able to move on.

            I do like the prison storyline though, I too hope that it will lead to something positive for RA.

  20. Sorry, for the late response. Yeah Charley, needs to get it together, from all sides really. Charley and politics definitely go well together. Charley has Mayor….. yeah that would be a laugh. Not saying she couldn’t do it, one of the B families, getting into office is kind of unexpected really. Still can’t believe that the writers had Charley actually lose the Mill, all of the hard work for the past two seasons just gone. Great job writers….not really. So, yeah who’s next?

    1. Micah.

      I love how you can see he is the product of being raised by Charley but influenced by Nova and made the kind of mistakes you could expect from both when they were less experienced. Like his passion being followed without a plan, nearly destroying good relationships over it, but also having things they do not. For example, as much as Nova and Charley say they are working for the people, I feel that they don’t really interact with them if they don’t have to. If it isn’t over business, we don’t see them mingle with no one outside of family and lovers. Micah, on the other hand, he seems far more social.

      1. Yeah, Micah’s character development over these last 3 seasons has been something. Micah has definitely been influenced by Nova, but not for the better in my opinion. In terms of him committing crimes and losing relationships and friendships over. I definitely like that Micah is standing in his truth, and fighting back so to speak. He certainly had a wake up call after he was pulled over by that cop. It’s sad though, that many people think that Charley and Davis failed Micah as parents because they didn’t teach Micah about being black, and stuff like that. But for me it is sort of understandable, Charley was raised by her white mother, and we know that when she would go with her dad during the summer that he wasn’t as welcoming and there for her like he should of been, considering she didn’t even have a room at the house, remember Aunt Vi gave her a room. Then you have Davis who, we can assume, didn’t have much growing up, hence like many pro basketball players once, they sign that contract, they get more of an advantage when it comes to certain things. So, Davis very much so believed that he was above the law, and he was given special treatment. Along with the fact that many parents, probably just don’t want to instill fear into the kids. You hear stories of kids as young as nine being told that cops are bad people, cops are always going to be out to get them because they are black, that they have to be careful about where they go because they are black, all of these things, that may seem helpful, can very much case a child to have a mentality that yes, cops are bad, and that them be black is something that could possibly cause them harm.

        With everything that Charley and Davis had, they probably didn’t believe that talking to Micah in that way with cops was necessary. Although, in RA’s eyes Micah is seen as weak and soft. Again, RA not understanding that Micah’s background was different. Makes me wonder if in do time will RA have one of those conversations with Blue when he gets older. I hope you understand what I was trying to say.

        1. I do get what you’re saying. However, I don’t get the impression that Davis or Charley didn’t see race, or anything like that. More so, I think they didn’t dwell on the fears which come with being Black and, like you said, didn’t want to mold Micah to fear certain individuals based solely on his skin color. Much less feel limited on what he can and should do because he thought something might not have been Black enough or due to a sense of feeling other.

          When it comes to Nova though, I think the crimes and losing relationships thing can’t be blamed on her. All she really did was present the idea of community to him in a way Charley couldn’t. For, as she said towards the end of the season, in LA there isn’t the same sense of community as is presented in St. Jo. And unfortunately for Charley, it wasn’t until her adult years she got to integrate. Nova, on the other hand, maybe to atone for what she did to Charley, ushered Micah in, as well as Aunt Vi, into their world. Thus leading to him meeting Keke, and eventually his group.

          Now, as for the crime and losing friendships? That was all Micah. He needed an outlet for dealing with his dad’s screw ups, him being harassed by that cop, as well as his mom doing things which he couldn’t agree with. So he found a radical crew and sort of pushed them beyond what they usually did. Making him seem selfish and quite destructive.

          Yet, when it comes to characters under 18 on shows like this, I feel he is one of the rare ones to show real growth besides height.

          Making me hope, as Blue gets older, we may see moments like you mention and maybe him expressing this fear at school or with his mom. Maybe even confronting his parents’ past as well.

          Let’s switch to Nova next. I find it funny everything she tried to avoid doing and saying when her ex was involved, now she seems willing to do. Maybe not argue on TV, but considering how she is airing out family business for success, what’s worse between the two?

          1. Ugh, you already know how I feel about Nova. I just don’t get her, its season 3, going on season 4 and I still have no idea what her character is about other than the fact that she is bisexual, she smokes weed, she is an activist, and that she likes to push people away despite those people have feelings for her. She did the doctor soooooo dirty. Her tantrum at the tv station was disgusting. Talking about RA being immature, she was immature at that moment. Selling the necklace the doctor gave her. After the married man, who has kids, finally left his wife for her, she curves him. Then doing God knows what with Remy, I’m so over it. All the bullshit she was pulling with Darla, standing on her high horse, please. THAT DAMN CHARGER!!! Only decent thing I have liked is the Nova/Micah friendship/relationship, but even that story line was muddy and messy. I know that this wasn’t much of a character analysis but more of rant, but like I said, I feel nothing for her character really. Your thoughts? Who’s next?

            1. I feel that Nova’s purpose is stirring the pot. She is the one who calls out other people, while often leading us to avoid what she has going on. Hence her bringing up what RA did, coming after the doctor, going after Remy, and etc. Her main job seems to remind us about what other characters haven’t truly gotten past and really just have been suppressing. Which often makes her a hypocrite, yes, but let’s not forget the person she is closest to is Aunt Vi. Someone who may not have a selective memory but sure knows how to justify her actions when necessary.

              Leading to Aunt Vi. She’s next.

  21. Hey Amari, I know its been a while, and we didn’t discuss every episode of QS season 3 like we usually do, that’s mostly my fault, but after some time has passed, and bomb ass Greenleaf is now back I was thinking that we could discuss season 3 of QS in full now. You can go first.

    1. It has only been a few weeks but I barely remember what happened.

      Um, let’s begin with Charley. I enjoyed she took down Sam but her becoming this show’s Olivia Pope, minus dodging Sam getting some, has me sort of iffy about the character. For while her battle with Sam was getting tired, I can’t say I necessarily want this to be the core of her story. I really would love for Charley to instead get into politics. She clearly has the knack for it. Also, it doesn’t have to be governor or something big. Mayor would be good enough for me.

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