1. yes. She’s the center of the show imo. Even without the mill drama– which is her biggest drama right now– she’d still be able to carry her weight in the show because she has a strong, solid built character.

  2. Really thinking about it, I agree. Charley has been the one who has had a bit of everyone’s storyline in her. She had a bit of Nova’s in terms of having relationships which were good for her but ultimately ended because she couldn’t see eye to eye with them. Like Aunt Vi, she found herself in a new act of her life, with new love at the time, and thriving. Yet, also like Ralph Angel, she dealt with a scandal which rocked her sense of family in the form of Davis cheating and how her mom was seen in the family.

    She is a taste of what everyone else focuses on just one bit of.

  3. yes! I think it started that way because she’s the better known actress. She gets top billing. I feel like they did that initially to promote the show. But I’m noticing slowly but surely, (if they don’t go by sibling order) they’re starting to call out Dawn last when introducing the cast at panels and interviews, and she gets the first seat. I recently saw a poster for a tv festival they attended and Dawn was center.

    I know Rutina has been center and gotten top billing, but idk it’s been apparent to me that Charley is the lead since Season 1. I will say the drama was a little more balanced between the siblings in S1, but the first episode and S1 finale cemented Charley as the lead for me, and so on into S2. Rutina has been a supporting character since most of S2 until now. Do you agree? I don’t know how the business works, but I don’t see her being top billing for long. Mostly because I don’t think it’s fair for her to be first if they’re not gonna give her the material that entails. I also think that her storyline lacking has to do with the fact that they don’t know what to do with Nova’s character. They put so many labels on her, they don’t know how to tackle them.

  4. It’s funny that you said Charley is the lead. I’m not sure if you follow the way the show is marketed, but if you do, isn’t it weird how Rutina Wesley (Nova) is usually the one who is front and center when it comes to marketing even though her storyline rarely is the one which seems pushed to the forefront?

  5. Charley, Ra, and Darla storylines have been a series of unfortunate events with all the misfortune and backlash they receive. I get that Charley is the lead, but it’s a bit much. Especially when you compare them to the other characters.

    Absolutely agree with what you said.

  6. I think at this point in the show, I just want it to be where Aunt Vi and Nova receive what they put out and sometimes organize. For Nova has come after Darla, Charley, and Ralph Angel in the most vicious of ways. Aunt Vi was downright nasty to Darla and even Blue is aware she isn’t fond of his momma.

    So considering the wild, sometimes random, things they do to balance characters out, I’m hoping they go full nuclear and get what is the worse thing to happen to people on this show: Feeling isolated and alone while you are already feeling insecure, down, and on unsteady ground.

    If only because, again, my favorite characters on the show keep experiencing so many ups and downs which are like mountain peaks and valleys while the rest may have struggle, but it doesn’t compare. At least the way I look at it.

  7. I don’t think almost counts. Vi was the only one who was cold towards Hollywood after that incident while the rest of the family was happily playing spades with him at the table. I was addressing the family ganging up on her from day one. And yes, Charley attacking Melina was horrible, but she’s the only person I can recall. While that was bad, she apologized for her mistake, something the family never does when they come after her.
    & the family learned about Nova’s affair in the storm episode– Aunt Vi scolded her, but that was it. I’m talking about the family yelling at, walking away or shunning Charley after everything they deem she’s made a mistake.

    Good point on Charley being envious of Hollywood’s relationship! He has been there. At this point though I don’t know what amount of time or good deeds she can do to feel like and to make them feel like she’s one of them. You’re right she’s on her own, and Micah not siding with her in front of the fam was brutal because he’s all she has.

  8. But it did almost happen to Hollywood when they found out about his now ex-wife and Nova? When she reveals one of her secrets, watch them all turn on her. If I recall right, everyone else doesn’t know about the Lupus so let that slip and I’m sure there will be anger there.

    And let’s not forget how Charley treated that girl who accused Davis of raping her. She was ready to destroy her life. Just because she couldn’t imagine Davis doing her like that.

    I think Charley probably envies how close Hollywood is to everyone while most of her relationships with them seem only good one on one but in a group, she is usually on her own. Struggling for attention and support.

  9. Been lurking for recaps and found yours- I love them!

    The family has been ganging up on Charley since Season 1, I felt like this scene was unfair. I don’t think her firing Darla for her brother, warrants the entire family to gang up on her as some kind of karma. That would mean that Nova or even Hollywood would get that treatment as well, since they both turned their back to Darla. I don’t ever remember Charley ganging up on anyone else, even when RA revealed the will she was angry, but trying to work it out with him. Nova was the one that was all in his face. Nova lacks tack. If she wanted answers, she didn’t need any backup from the family. She also didn’t need to stress Vi out. And while Hollywood may be just as much family to everyone else, he isn’t to Charley, who just showed up less than a year ago and didn’t take many visits back home.

    I feel like that scene highlighted that Charley is still an outsider and the family still doesn’t trust her. I know it hurt her that Micah didn’t leave with her, and Aunt Vi took Nova’s side. Vi taking Nova’s side is something she should have expected though. She usually does.

    I do agree with you about Micah. Keke/Charley + Nova/Asha is clear and I hate to say it, but I don’t see Micah and Keke lasting because of this parallel. It seems like the two girls have some kind of history, which would make for some good drama.

    I hope Ralph Angel and Darla are able to co-parent for Blue’s sake. I’m glad to see her return.

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