Pose: Season 3/ Episode 5 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)

Elektra noting a mother always provides

Pose begins to inch its way to potentially jumping the shark as the mob gets involved but takes steps back after something complicates Angel’s wedding.

Pose begins to inch its way to potentially jumping the shark as the mob gets involved but takes steps back after something complicates Angel’s wedding.

Episode Name Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Aired 5/23/2021
Network FX
Directed By Steven Canals
Written By Brad Falchuk, Steven Canals
Newly Noted Characters
Beto Jace Moses

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Mob Money – Elektra, Miss Orlando

Thanks to the swindler who is Miss Orlando, who you know from giving Candy bad injections, Elektra ends up doing business with the mob! Confusing? Well, let us explain. Remember when the police pulled Elektra in when we first learned about her phone sex hotline? This is what they were looking for. People like Miss Orlando, now Elektra, are cleaning drug money for the mob and making a nice profit, and with them being trans, of course, the police are suspicious.

However, rather than keep that in mind, Elektra sees herself as finally arriving and is gratuitously uninhibited about her come up.

When One Glows Up, All Shine – Elektra, Angel, Lil Papi, Blanca, Lulu

But, being that Elektra is a girls’ girl in the long run and would never abandon her children, especially Blanca, once her money is settled and good, she starts to spend lavishly on her girls. For Blanca, she gets her new and proper furniture to entertain. When it comes to Lulu, she wanted to offer that child a trip to rehab, but Lulu pushes back and maintains the claim she isn’t an addict.

Now, granted, does she look cracked out like before? No. However, Elektra isn’t easily convinced, and the topic only gets dropped due to Blanca playing mediator. Which she has to do when it comes to Angel’s gift, which is her dream wedding. For with Lil Papi getting a bit machismo, it seems he and Elektra were bound to butt heads, but with being reminded Lil Papi is giving Angel the dream few trans women thought was attainable, the wedding isn’t just about him and Angel. Like a graduation ceremony, it is as much about the people on stage as the people in the audience, and with that acknowledgment, he backs down.

Which doesn’t mean everything is smooth sailing. Because they are trans, an owner of a bridal shop disrespects Elektra and her girls but, with now having mob connections? After a masterful read, Elektra lets her associates handle the rest, and she takes their gowns for other trans women so they can too walk the aisle at a real wedding, rather than just for a ball category.

A Selfish Love – Beto, Angel, Lil Papi

Beto (Jace Moses) watching TV
Beto (Jace Moses) watching TV

Sadly, a trans-averse bridal shop isn’t the only thing that complicates Angel’s nuptials. Lil Papi, aka Esteban, also finds out he has a junior, a son, and that makes things hard. You see, Angel is still in recovery, and the idea of being someone’s mother wasn’t in the cards. But with little Beto’s mom dead, and him being raised by his aunt, who isn’t an addict but still struggling, Lil Papi wants to step up, as always.

For Angel, this wasn’t in the plan and while one day getting married probably wasn’t either, motherhood was definitely far off, so, for now, it seems she has to walk away and clear her head.

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Commentary/ Review

The Mob Thing Is Borderline Ridiculous

When Janet Mock spoke about the writing of the season, especially the first two episodes, it wasn’t flattering[1]. However, looking back, the first two episodes almost seem more on par with what was expected and the quality of past seasons than what we have gotten since. For the rush of Elektra and Pray Tell’s backstory, combined with Elektra now working with the mob? It seems like a combination of obligatory fan service, giving the community the chance to live vicariously, in terms of getting closure with family, and lightening up what can be a dreary series at times.

And I get it. This is, and sadly will probably remain for some time, one of the few shows on a major network, to feature a trans ensemble with LGBTQIA+ supporting characters that focuses on their lives. Not just the sex work to survive, amongst other things, but the joy, community, and love they also find and give. So why would they want to dwell on Blanca and Pray Tell dying and Elektra potentially falling from grace once Blanca is no longer her ride or die?

However, the stretch it asks of you to suspend disbelief is starting to tear, if it hasn’t already torn, and it pushes you to wonder if this may end with a harsh wake-up call or if it’ll keep us in this almost dream state?

The Complications Beto Brings

As Blanca and Elektra make clear, getting married is undoubtedly something hard to expect, but what takes things to the next level is having a kid. Without a uterus, that isn’t possible, so adoption is the only way. But for Esteban, Lil Papi, he has a biological son – something Angel could never give him. And let’s be frank, Angel just got her prince and has really got to a good place with him, so why would she want to share? Add in Beto is 5, so he needs time and attention that has to be taken away from Angel? Of course, she is upset!

Yet, Angel loves Lil Papi because he is always willing to step up, and having a kid means he is going to do as he always has done. The question is, though, will Angel show that same energy?

Elektra Not Leaving Her Girls Behind

Elektra learning what Miss Orlando has been up to
Elektra learning what Miss Orlando has been up to

If you have been watching Pose from the beginning, you know Elektra has a lot of faults. Be it being superficial, having an equal opportunity sharp tongue at times, and sometimes not being the best mother. But, of all characters, she is right there alongside Blanca when it comes to growth. So it only seems right that when things are going overwhelmingly good for Elektra, she shares the wealth. For at this point, not just as an elder or mother, but as a person, she recognizes who is there for her and truly has her back.

Blanca, as repeatedly shown, is the daughter we all hope to have. She is loyal, may whine a bit, but will get the job done, and not only will check on you but rather give more than take – even when she has very little to give. And you could say Blanca really did change Elektra’s opinion and attitude over the years and made it so Elektra, while she will always make sure she is okay first, she has expanded what it means to say “I.” Thus, when she comes up, her community comes with her, rather than using the idea of, “If I can do it, so can you” while providing minimal assistance, and a barely usable blueprint.

[1] https://thegrapevine.theroot.com/janet-mock-goes-off-script-airing-out-ryan-murphy-the-1846800399

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Elektra noting a mother always provides
Pose: Season 3/ Episode 5 – Recap/ Review (with Spoilers)
Trajectory: Plateau
Pose, in its final season, remains rocky. You do have to like some elements, but the execution continues to not be up to par, and it makes what is the final season not seem like the best one.
Community Rating0 Votes
The Complications Beto Brings
Elektra Not Leaving Her Girls Behind
On The Fence
The Mob Thing Is Borderline Ridiculous

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