1. All good points!! First, the story line totally did not belong with the rest of the show, which now that I think about it, is another reason why I wasn’t into it. It was very soap opera-ish on a show that strives to be realistic and not like a soap opera. And it didn’t even occur to me how easily they were moving that body around in a suitcase on foot (while in heels, no less!), so they could have walked it to somewhere that they could have safely dumped it at 4:00 in the morning. I’m usually good at suspending disbelief, but this story line was just so out of place for Pose that I could not just “go with it”, which was disappointing for a show as consistently excellent as Pose.

  2. Poor Papi – He just broke my heart! I would have given my left arm to hear a guy say those things to me that Papi said to Angel! And Angel still didn’t fall for him! Yet at the same time I was so happy for Angel and her success. I knew she wouldn’t win the competition because she wasn’t white (sad, but true). However, getting the Wet N’ Wild campaign was such an awesome consolation prize!

    For some reason, I wasn’t into Elektra’s story line. I found how she went to Blanca and then later protected her heartwarming. Same with how everyone came together to protect Elektra. And Euphoria’s story was maddening! But I guess none of them own a car or know someone they can borrow a car from so thus they couldn’t put the body in the trunk and drive it somewhere deserted to bury it – because that’s what I kept wondering the ENTIRE time they were cocooning.

    1. But that’s the weird thing to me. If they moved him by suitcase to her apartment, why not just dump said suitcase in a river or near the island where they put those with aids?

      I get it was based off a true story but, it seemed out of place compared to the rest of the show. As if we’re watching what could be a soap opera.

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